Title: Consecration 1 | |
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Date Posted:01/10/2016 09:05 AMCopy HTML Consecration 1This ritual is used to consecrate or cleanse an object, such as a magickaltool, talisman or any object you wish to bless or cleanse. Light seven candles and place them to form a circle. Recite the followingincantation: Circle of light, Place a small bowl of rainwater in the center of the circle and speak thefollowing words: Circle of light, Remove the bowl from the circle. Lightly sprinkle some of the water overthe object you wish to consecrate. If you have Consecration Oil, place some onthe tip of you right index finger and touch the object with it three times andno more than three times. If you do not have Consecration Oil, skip this step. Place the object in the center of the circle of candles. Once you haveplaced the object in the circle, do not move it again until the ritual iscompleted. Starting with any candle, extinguish the candles one at a time in aclockwise rotation. When all of the candles have been extinguished, the ritualis complete, the object has been consecrated, and may be touched and moved. Source: |