Title: Crystal of the Day Garnet | |
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TipsyCad147 | |
Date Posted:01/30/2015 08:11 AMCopy HTML Crystal of the Day GarnetHardness: 6.5-7.5 Specific Gravity: 3.5-4.2 Chemistry: Ca3Fe2+2(SiO4)3 Class: Silicates Crystallography: Isometric – Hexoctahedral Cleavage: None Fracture: Conchoidal Streak: White Luster: Vitreous (Glassy) Garnet comes from the Greek word “Granatum” which refers to the colour of the pomegranate seed. Healing: Garnet is known as a Healing stone. It is used to purify and cleanse the body and/or spirit. It’s healing abilities work on all levels of mind, body and spirit. Believed to regulate the heart and blood flow and aid in curing depression. It stimulates the pituitary gland, relieves rheumatism and arthritis pain. Garnets were believed to protect one from poisons. Garnets are also known as a Stone of Commitment. Workings: Garnet is used to protect homes from fire and lightning, heal snakebites and food poisoning, protect people from nightmares, and warn of danger. Garnet is also believed to promote true love. Astrological signs of; Leo, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius. Vibrates to the number 2. Its energy is projective and it is ruled by the planet Mars. The element is Fire. Chakra Applications: Garnet is used to draw negative energy from the chakras. Stimulates both the Base and Crown chakras, thus energizing the body. Foot Notes: Birthstone for the month of January. Garnet may be given as a gem on the 2nd and 6th wedding anniversary. Garnets belong to the isometric crystal class, which produces very symmetrical, cube-based crystals. They are double silicates; one of the metallic elements is calcium, magnesium, ferrous iron, or manganese and the other aluminum, ferric iron, or chromium. Garnet occurs in many different kinds of rocks ; in metamorphosed impure limestones, in basic igneous rocks, in granite rocks, in schists and other metamorphic rocks as well as in igneous rocks. Garnet jewelry has been found that date back to the Bronze Age (3000 BCE). Garnets can be found in the U.S. (Arizona), South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Myanmar (Burma), Scotland, Switzerland and Tanzania .
Source: Website: The Whispering Woods |