Date Posted:01/18/2016 07:34 AMCopy HTML
Daily Dream Decoder Cards
1. Playing card games with someone you recognize implies that this person, or perhaps someone of whom he or she reminds you, is "playing games" with you and is not to be trusted. Gambling with cards is a warning to avoid financial risk of any kind. 2. Each playing card has a distinct divinatory meaning of its own, usually based on numerology. Spades rule conflict, hearts pertain to matters of the heart, diamonds refer to money, and clubs rule difficulties - and the numerological meaning of each number combined with the nature of the suit gives a rough meaning of the card's divinatory nature. The face cards rule people whose personalities are based on the nature of the suit they represent. 3. If the dream is of a Tarot card, or a group of them, the meaning of the card has a strong bearing on the meaning of the dream. Consult our Tarot experts for details.