Title: Do You Have an Air Personality? | |
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Date Posted:07/30/2015 06:35 AMCopy HTML Do You Have an AirPersonality?
Air personalities People with Air personalities tend toenjoy a higher degree of emotional detachment and objectivity than those withother dominant Elements. Their “ bird’s eye view” on life can help them seepatterns and possibilities that others can’t, and thus avoid the pitfalls ofshort-sightedness or “stuckness” that people with other personalities mightstruggle with. Air people tend to have very active minds and feel at home inthe realms of abstract thought. They have a knack for discovering new ideas.They are socially energetic and take an interest in the ideas of others, buttheir dynamic nature and need for movement and free expression may keep themfrom hanging around in one place for any length of time. They don’t want tomiss anything by being away too long from their regular, broad-perspectiveperch. The challenge for Air people, then, is to balance theirflightiest , high-level energies with more grounded, fixed energies, or else allof that intellectual potential may stay unmanifested in the material world.Just as having one’s “feet on the ground” is considered a positive attribute,we tend to speak of having one’s “head in the clouds” as something to avoid, atleast for too much of the time. “Flighty” is another descriptive word withless-than-positive connotations to describe people who seem to lack focus orsubstance. Air people need to learn to appreciate the value in being still, aswell as being in touch with their emotions, which can often be an uncomfortablerealm for them. Getting regular exercise can help them move some of that mentalenergy to the rest of the body, creating a balance that allows those Airqualities to manifest in more grounded ways. Lisa Chamberlain |