Title: Elemental Correspondences & Elemental Herbs | |
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Date Posted:03/20/2015 08:32 AMCopy HTML Elemental Correspondences& Elemental HerbsELEMENTALCORRESPONDENCES EARTH: Feminine Element North Green Rules Spells dealing with fertility, jobs, money,business, health, ecology, and stability. AIR: Masculine East Yellow Rules spells dealing with memory, tests, intellects,divination, psychic powers, and travel. FIRE: South Red Rules spells dealing with success, sex, banishing,illness, protection, legal matters, strength, energy, health. WATER: Feminine West Blue Rules spells dealing with love, friendship, meditation,healing, dreams, childbirth, clairvoyance, and purification. ELEMENTALHERBS Activator: Mistle toe, Mandrake, Dragon’s Blood Banishing: Black Beauty: Catnip, Ginseng, Maidenhair, Yerba Santa Courage: Cohosh, Mullen, Thyme, Yarrow Divination: Broom, Dandelion, Hibiscus, Meadowsweet,Orris, Pomegranate, Mugwort, Dragon’s Blood, Black Employment: Devil’s Shoestring, Lucky Hand, Pecan Friendship: Lemongrass, Sweetpea, Passionflower Happiness: Catnip, Hawthorn, High John the Conqueror,Lavender, Meadowsweet, Morning Glory, Healing: Adders Tongue, Bay, Blackberry, Burdock, Cedar,Fennel, Garlic, Hops, Horehound, Life Everlasting, Rosemary, Sandalwood,Vervain Health: Caraway, Galangal, Juniper, Marjoram, Nutmeg, RueSassafras, Tansy Love: Apple, Basil, Betony, Chamomile, Coltsfoot, CopalDamania, Gardenia, Jasmine, Verbena, Meadowsweet, Moonwort, Poppy, Raspberry,Rose, Violet Mental Ability: Eyebright, Horehound, Mustard Seed, Periwinkle Protection: Acacia, Ash, Broom, Datura, Dogwood, Elder,Foxglove, Rowan Psychic Ability: Borage, Honeysuckle Purification: Sage, Benzoin, Copailm Iris, Thistle,Vervain, Yucca Sleep: Agimony, Chamomile, Hops, Lavender, Passionflower,Pepper, Valerian Spirituality: Frankincense, Gardenia, heather, Sandalwood Strength: Carnation, Mulberry, Pennyroyal, Oak, Saffron Success: Cinnamon, Patchouli, Chamomile, High John theConqueror Root Wisdom: Bodhi, Iris, Sage, Yew Goddess: God: Holly, Mandrake, Buckthorne |