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Date Posted:07/27/2015 06:06 AMCopy HTML GrannyMoon*s Morning Feast
GrannyMoonSays Today Is: Moon Day
Energy:Female Ruler:The Moon - Rules emotions, protection, healing, and women's mysteries - Use formagick involving the subconscious, healing, emotions, love, spirituality,healing wounds, children, small animals, women's mysteries, the female side ofmen, mothers, sisters, female partners, wives, instincts
Today'sMagickal Influences:Agriculture, Domestic, Long Life, Medicine, Travels, Visions, Theft
Today'sGoddesses:Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gaeleach, Ida, Artemis [Whom The Greeks AssociatedWith Bast], The Witches, Yemaya, Erzulie, Bast
Incense: Myrtle
Perfumes: White Poppy, White Rose, Wallflower
Colorof The Day: Silver, Grey, White
Colorsfor Tomorrow:Red
LuckySign: Monday Is The Lucky Day For The Sign of Cancer
Candle: White
Cookingon Mondaywill improve magics for creativity, insight, maternal nature, andgoddess-related efforts. ~Quote from Magickal Martha
Monday- Day of Emotions ( Day of the Moon )
MondayMagick Power Hours:
Moonrise. Key Words: Magick, dreams, health,love, home and family In the word Monday, we can see part of the word Moon. Inthe romance languages such as Italian or Spanish, this day of the week iscalled Lunes and clearly relates to the word lunar. On Mondays, a variety ofmagick may be worked.
Because Monday centers on theenergies of the Moon, things like psychism, dreams, feminine energy, health,success in spiritual pursuits, domestic matters, and things of family originare especially important this day.
Mondays are best for love magick andanything concerning home or family, thus old saying, Mondays child is fair offace, which seems clearly to relate to the themes of love and health.
Angelsof Mondayare Gabriel, Arcan, Missabu, and Abuzaha. Arcan is known as the king of theangels of air and the "ruler" of Monday. Abuzaha (Abuzohar) servesMonday, and is very responsive to invocations and ritual magick. Missabu is aministering angel of Arcan.
Mondayis the Best Day For:Conjurations, Predictions, Knowledge, Writing, Eloquence. PlanetaryAssociation: Moon Norse Deity Associated With the Day: Frigga Origin of Name:"Monday" is short for "Moon Day" in honor of the day'salignment with that planetary body.
Deities: Thoth, Selene: Aset [Isis], Demeter,Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya, Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, Coatlique,Maman Brigette, Sekhmet, Het Heret [Hathor]Monday is the day of moon goddessesSelene, Luna and Mani. Meaning "day of the moon" the name reflectsthe ancient observance of feast days dedicated to the Moon Goddess or to theplanet. Focus on lunar energies, psychic development, dream or astral work,intuition, family, or spirituality.
Incense:Cinnamon,Cinquefoil Aromas: Sweetpea, Lavender, Mastic, Frankincense, Cloves
Candle: White
Metal: Silver
Plants: Wintergreen and other mints, catnip,comfrey, sage, chamomile
Use for magick involving mentalissues, learning, higher education, addictions, communications, travel, youngpeople, messages, perception, self-expression, artists, poets, and writers.
Marriage, emotional love, family,childbirth, prophecy.
Spells involving emotions, thesubconscious,domestic issues and feminine issues. Also, a good day for psychicpursuits and dream work.Childbearing and family life, purity and virginity,healing, wisdom, intuition
Metal: Silver Gemstones: Pearl, opal, moonstone Associations:Childbearing and family life, purity and virginity, healing, wisdom, intuition
BestColors for todayare Silver, white, light blue, Pearls, Creams, Grays, Pale Pinks, Pale Violets,and Pale Blues.
Check whether the moon is waning orwaxing to determine what your spell will be. During waning moons, do spells torid yourself of obstacles or for wisdom and protection. During waxing moons domagic for increase of any kind or to draw something into your life.
On Mondays, the best hour to work ismoonrise. Get this information from your local newspaper, astrologicalcalendar, or almanac.
~SpiritualOccultist Calendar
• • • • LunabarMoon Almanack for Monday, 27 July, 2015 Waxing, GibbousMoon Age: 12 days. Ascending Node is at 3° Libra. Moon in 21st degree of the SignSagittarius, the Bowman; also in 14th deg. of theConstellation Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Holder. Moonset: 2:26 morn. Moonrise:4:49 eve. Souths: 10:06 eve.
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Time: From New Moon To Full (Approx. 14Days)
AssociatedGoddesses:Artemis, Branwen, Eriu, Nymph, Epona
MagickalAttributes:Invoking Beginnings, New Projects, Ideas, Inspiriation, Energy, Vitality,Freedom. Workings On This Day Are For "Constructive" Magick (Love,Wealth, Success, Courage, Friendship, Luck OrHealth.)
Perform magic on waxing moons toattract a new quality or behavior, to increase the light within, to attainpersonal and spiritual growth and greater awareness. The quarter moon suggestsa period of overcoming obstacles and continuing on the path to growth.
Spellsand ritualsinvolving the fire element should be performed when the Moon is in a fire sign:Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Aspectsof Sagittarius~ Yang, Masculine, Solar, Positive, Diurnal, Fiery, Mutable, Barren, HoraryEastern, Autumnal, Austral, Obeying, Double, Double-Bodied, Dual, Bicorporeal,Feral, Bestial, Animal, Four-footed, Dry, Vocal (first half only), Bitter,Hot..
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MoonMoon, Mother Moon LunarLore
Midsummer-MoonMadness:Madness is supposed to be affected by the moon, and to beaggravated by summer heat; so it naturally follows that the Fullmoon at midsummer is the time when madness is most outrageous. ~Brewer's "Dictionary of Phraseand Fable." )0( Silver was, by the ancientalchemists, called “Diana” or the Moon. - Brewer, "Dictionary of Phrase& Fable".
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LunabarSun Almanack for Monday, 27 July, 2015 Sunrise: 6:04 morn. Sunset: 8:24 eve. Length of Day: 14h. 20m. Dawn: 5:33 morn. Dusk: 8:54 eve. Length of Twilight: 0h. 30m. Sun in 4th degree of the Sign Leo,the Lion; also in 7th degree of theConstellation Crabba, the Crab;
• • • • SolarLore
Sun set in a clear, Easterly wind’s near; Sun set in a bank, Westerly will not lack. ~ St. Andrews, Scotland.
Aspectsof Yang, Masculine, Solar, Positive, Diurnal, Fiery, Fixed, Barren, HoraryEastern, Summery, Boreal, Commanding, Feral, Bestial, Animal, Four-footed, Dry,Bitter, Hot
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OurWeekly Affirmation If you repeat an affirmation threetimes a day three times each time you do it for 28 days it will become a part of your being andwhenever you feel like life is going out of control you will be able to just find that safe place.
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WitchesAffirmation Of The Week!
AWitch is...
One who is disorderly and orderly.
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Readingsby GrannyMoon ~ Magician
This week emotions may be flowingstrongly. Embrace it, going with the flow is the better option Today make a stand for your beliefs.Whatever it is that you feel strongly about, speak up. Being creative in your approach willreach reward.
This week’s guest reader is: LunaBlaidd Llwyd )0( In-DepthIn-Depth 7 –10 page Reading - ($25.00) Mini Readings or Goddess Readings($10.00) ~ http://goddessschool.com/tarot.html
YourPersonal Birthday Reading for 2015
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Seasonsof the Witch – Legends and Lore, Ancient Holidays AndSome Not So Ancient!
TodayIs . . .
Dayof Hatshepsut.On this day each year, the eighteenth dynasty Healer Queen of ancient Egypt ishonored. Healing rituals are performed by many Pagans.
TheProcession of Witches:In Belgium,a centuries-old event known as The Procession of Witches takes place every yearon this day.
GreaterPanatheneae- This Athenian festival, the most important of the year, was celebrated everyfifth year on the last day of the first month of the year, in the brilliantheat and light of summer. It was a time for excess and the display of the newpeplos or veil, woven for Athena out of white wool and gold threads, which wasso large it was used as a sail on one of the boats in her procession.
St.Pantaleon- I had to include this holiday out of affection for the daimon, Panteleon, inthe wonderful trilogy by Phillip Pullman, which begins with The GoldenCompass. St Panteleon (whose name means all-compassionate) wassupposedly the personal physician of the emperor Maximiam. He is a patron ofdoctors and midwives. Blackburn, Bonnie & Leofranc Holford-Strevens,The Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford UniversityPress 1999
SevenSleepers- According to myth, seven Christian youths of Ephesus hid in a cave to avoid the Decianpersecution (250), were walled up by the emperor, fell asleep and woke upnearly 200 years later whereupon they testified to the resurrection of the deadand fell back asleep. Whenever they turn over, bad luck follows. I’ve neverseen any details about how to celebrate this holiday but the title issuggestive. Sleep all day? Blackburn, Bonnie & Leofranc Holford-Strevens,The Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford UniversityPress 1999
BlackCrom’s Sunday- In Ireland, on the Sunday before Lammas, pilgrims climb mountains and highplaces, particularly Croah-patrick in County Mayo,where Patrick allegedly fasted for 40 days and battled demons. Until then themountain was sacred to a pagan deity, Crom Cruach (Crom of the Reek). Pilgrimsoften climb the mountain barefoot.
BilberrySunday -The Sundays before and after Lammas were the usual times for celebrating afeast that was essentially communnal. People climbed to the top of highmountains, picking bilberries as they went, thus giving rise to the popularname of Bilberry Sunday. Bilberries (also known as whortle-berries andblaeberries) are the small, dark-blue berries of the vaccinium myrtillus ahardy shrub that grow on heaths and sunny moors in Great Britain and Northern Europe.They are one of the first berries to ripen (in Seattle, I go out pickingblackberries on this day). In some places, boys thread the berries on grassstalks and make bracelets of them for the girls of their choice. In CashelPlantin' in County Armagh, these strungberries were brought home as presents and kept around the house for luck.
Often people left offerings offlowers and grains at the top of the mountains. Many scholars believe this wasbecause Lugh was a sun-god. But some of the Irish folks surveyed by MacNeillsaid the offerings were left for the fairies, who would be extraordinarilyactive on quarter days. MacNeill believes the practice of standing on a peak overlookingthe landscape, keep alive a passion for the land and its history.
MacNeill, Maire, The Festival ofLughnasa, Oxford University Press 1962 Blackburn, Bonnie & LeofrancHolford-Strevens, The Oxford Companion to theYear, Oxford University Press 1999
RememberThe Ancient Waysand Keep Them Holy!
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GoddessMonthof Kerea begins 7/11 - 8/8 CelticTree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) - July 8 to August 4
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JulyMoon Phases First Quarter falls on Friday, 24July, 2015 at 12:05 AM Full “Blue” Moon falls on Friday, 31July, 2015 at 6:45 AM
AugustMoon Phases Last Quarter falls on Thursday, 06August, 2015 at 10:05 PM New Moon falls on Friday, 14 August,2015 at 10:54 AM First Quarter falls on Saturday, 22August, 2015 at 3:32 PM Full “Sturgeon” Moon falls onSaturday, 29 August, 2015 at 2:37 PM • • • •
TheYear Is Divided Into Four Seasons: The first season is of a frigidcomplexion, and this is “Winter”; The second is of the complexion ofAir, and this is “Spring”; Then follows the third, which is“Summer”, and is of the complexion of Fire; Lastly, there is the fourth, whereinfruits are matured, which is “Autumn”. ~The Turba Philosophorum, ca. 12century
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Tasha'sDay by Day Planner for July 2015
Mon.7/27Philosophical Sagittarius Moon helps us cope.
Tue. 7/28 Cheerful Sagittarius Moonstarts us off; schedule business meetings after 3 PM with the focused CapricornMoon.
Wed.7/29 Ambitious Capricorn Moonurges us onward.
Thu. 7/30 Wheel and deal withpolitical Capricorn Moon until 5:40 PM then relax and have fun with inventiveAquarius Moon.
Fri. 7/31 Friendly Aquarius Full Moonsuggests gatherings. Venus backs into Leo for romantic choices.
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Today'sGoddess: Nuvak'chin'Mana HopiKachina Dances (Southwestern United States)
Themes: Ghosts (Spirits); Blessings; Weather; Winter Symbols:Cold Items; White; Moisture
AboutNuvak'chin'Mana: This Goddess's name means Snow Maiden. In the Niman festival,Nuvak'chin'Mana is a Kachina who appears to pray for the return of cold weatherso the moisture in the earth gets replenished. In our lives, she comes toreplenish the well of our spirits and cool any overheated tempers that eruptwith summer's heat.
ToDo Today:In Hopi tradition, Kachinas are spirits that help the tribe in all matters oflife. Each year the Kachinas emerge around February to remind people oftheir blessings and to teach the sacred rituals that bring rain. Aroundthis time of year, the Kachinas return to their rest, escorted out of the humanrealms by the Niman ritual.
To bring Nuvak'chin'Mana'scoolheadedness and refreshing energy to your entire day, drink a glass of milkon the rocks at breakfast, lunch, and dinner (or anytime in between). It's very refreshing, and the appearance of the beverage honors theGoddess. If your region has been suffering from a dry spell, pour out alittle of the milk and ice on the ground as an offering to Nuvak'chin'Mana soshe might carry your need for rain to the nature spirits.
Last, take a moment at some pointduring the day to thank the Powers for all your blessings. A gratefulheart is one ready to give and receive more of the Goddess! )0( By Patricia Telesco ~ From "365Goddess" and GrannyMoon's Morning Feast
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HealingArts and Pagan Studies - Candle Rituals
1)At sunrise light a light-bluecandle, do every morning for 7 days, this protects against evil influences, promotes harmony in alove relationship and is an antidote to quarrelling.
2)For good luck and to restore goodfortune, burn 1 yellow and 1 brown candle.
3)To attract great financial luck,burn 3 candles, 1 brown 1 yellow, 1 orange.
4)For luck in love, burn a redcandle.
5)To start a favorable week, burn 1orange and 1 blue candle, the combination is a powerful one.
6)To avoid scandal and maliciousgossip, burn a silver candle.
7)To break up a love affair, burn 1green and 1 black candle, this negative combination is powerful.
8)For good fortune to come to you,burn 1 orange and 1 blue candle on a Monday.
9)To attract success, fame, honor andpower, burn an orange candle each morning on waking.
10)During the night, burn a turquoisecandle if a decision concerning the future is about to be made. This will ensure peaceand optimism.
11)To keep financial problems fromyour door, burn 3 pale orange candles, every day for 3 days, missing one day, will invite a badday.
12)To prevent rape/violence, burn oneyellow and one violet candle before sleep.
13)To prevent robbery and assault,burn a green candle at sunset every day.
14)Maximum protection against violentcrime, burn a lime green candle at sunset every night.
15)To help prevent financial loss anddisaster, burn a green and red/gold candle, it also helps prevent disloyalty in a loverelationship.
16)To restore harmony and stabilityif domestic turmoil erupts, burn one green and one purple candle.
17)To deprive an enemy of strength,burn one orange and one black candle.
18)Financial disaster to your rivals,burn one orange and one green candle.
Courtesy of Lyz )0( From GrannyMoon's Feast Archives
• • • • HealingArts and Pagan Studies - Dandelion Spell
If it's not your birthday, and youdon't have candles to wish on, you can choose to wish on a dandelion on thisday. To do this, pick a dandelion that has turned white and is ready to beblown away. Make a wish, and try to blow away all the seeds with one breath, likeyou would birthday candles. If you can blow all the seeds away in one breath,you will get your wish! Another version of this spell goes: If you can blow allthe seeds away in one breath, your wish will come true immediately. If seedsremain, count them; the number of seeds is equal to the number of days untilyou will get your wish.
By Magenta Griffith )0( From GrannyMoon's Feast Archives
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HeartwingsLove Notes 682 The Wish I Coulds
Heartwings says, What you can'taccomplish no matter how hard you try, can either be a regret or lead tosomething else.
I was fine riding a tricycle. Thencame a two wheeled bike. Over and over again I fell off. It didn't help that mybicycle seat was loose and kept wobbling, nor that the sidewalks where I had toride were bumpy. Once when I fell off and hurt my knee on the way to visit afriend, a kind person stopped his car and brought me home. My parents thankedhim, then after he left they scolded me for accepting a ride from a stranger.Perhaps they were right to do so, however I thought the man seemed nice, and Iwas all scraped up and bleeding.
Even as an adult I had problemsriding a bike. I've never known why it was so difficult for me when most peopleseem to have no problem doing that. I finally twisted my front wheel, making mybike inoperable. I was secretly relieved. Skating too was difficult. I wantedto be able to glide over the ice, yet I had to be content with a few simpleturns around the rink before my ankles were to painful to continue. My life hasbrought much that I wished I could.
Drawing presents another obstacle. Ican draw what I might be looking at, and I enjoy sketching, but drawing from myimagination presents a problem. No matter how hard I try I can't seem toreproduce what I see in my head on paper. If I want to draw something from myimagination I find it difficult to come up with what I see in my mind. And evenwhen I can, I cannot reproduce what I have drawn a second time so that it looksthe same as the first.
Do I sound like I am complaining?Perhaps I am. However, there has been compensation for what I have lacked.Reading avidly I developed a large vocabulary. My vivid imagination helped meto write stories and poems and still does. I learned to love nature and naturecomforted me. Perhaps most important of all I developed compassion for thosewho are limited or unable to do as they wish. There are still things I wish Icould do, however I recognize that they are not as important as the things Ican do, and for these I am grateful.
May you find much that you can doregardless what you cannot.
Blessings and Best Regards, TashaHalpert
Do let me know how you liked thisLove Note. I love to hear from my readers. You can find me on FaceBook and onWordPress too, where I often publish poetry as well as other writings. If youhave comments or suggestions please let me know. My first book, Heartwings LoveNotes for a Joyous Life is available on Amazon or from the publisher, Galde Press.It has poems and simple, helpful exercises to help you feel better aboutyourself and life in general. Or write me for a signed copy, enclosing $15 forthe book plus postage and handling.
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StephenHalpert ThePrize
The passing of Herbert Bravermancoincided within days of the publication of his fifth collection of shortstories, Promises to Keep. His beloved wife, Sylvia, ever the practicalone stared at the many cartons of the recently arrived first edition. To herregret they represented not only a sizable financial expenditure but also posedthe question as to where to store them.
"We could give copies toeveryone who attends the funeral," her equally sensible daughter, Rosaliesaid. "That would be a fitting tribute to dad plus it gets them off therug in the foyer."
"I never understood dad'sstories," Rosalie's brother Saul said.
"I know," Saul's wife Josieagreed. "You'd think after all these years he'd finally have writtenstories we could understand."
"They always seemed sovague." Sylvia said.
"But I guess they caughton," Saul said. "I read a review once but it didn't make much senseeither."
Several days later a thick vellumenvelope from Copenhagenarrived in the mail. Sylvia held it up and frowned. "What on earth is theKierkegaard Society?"
"Looks pretty fancy to me,"Rosalie said.
Sylvia opened the envelope. Shepulled out a piece of parchment with fancy lettering and gasped. "Herb'sbeen awarded their prize for literature." She handed the letter toRosalie.
"Two million dollars,"Rosalie read. "If he weren't already dead, when he heard that he'd have astroke."
"Now we can afford new cars andcondos," Saul said. He hugged Josie.
After the announcement appearedreporters began gathering on their doorstep clamoring to know more about theunknown recipient of such a coveted prize.
Sylvia, Rosalie, Saul and Josielooked at each other in confusion.
"What's there to say?"Sylvia said. "He liked a bagel for breakfast and would sit for hourslooking out the window."
"Sometimes he'd takewalks." Saul said.
"None of that sounds veryexciting," Rosalie said. "If that's all we can say about dadthey'll think we're holding something back. We've got to make him seem morereal and believable."
"Maybe we could make up somestuff," Josie said. "You know give him a romantic Hemingwayspin."
"But he never did anythingromantic," Sylvia said. "He didn't watch television or go to themovies. Once he retired from selling furniture he spent his time writing thoseconfusing stories."
"There must be something,"Saul said. "Dad must have had a passion."
"Believe me," Sylvia said."If there was passion I'd have seen it." She stopped and thought aminute. "Oh yes, he loved eating pickled herring."
"Mother," Josie said."You know what the media's like. We'd better come up with something orthey'll think we're protecting dad from they're discovering something farworse."
The phone rang. Sylvia answered."Next week? So soon? Oh all right at the Airport Hilton. We'll bethere." She turned to her family. "They want us for a pressconference at two next Thursday."
"I'll need to get my hairdone," Rosalie said.
"We'll make something up."Josie said. "It doesn't matter what. He's dead. So what difference couldit make?"
"We'll be on television."Sylvia said. "I'll need a new dress."
Sylvia, Rosalie, Saul and Josiearrived at the Hilton and were ushered into the main ballroom by a contingentof dignitaries from the Kierkegaard Society. An army of reporters and TV crewsapplauded politely.
"What was his literaryphilosophy?" The man from Time asked.
"My husband loved towrite," Sylvia said. "Writing made him happy."
"Do you agree that his storiesreflect their own unique brand of existentialism?" The op ed woman fromthe WashingtonPost asked.
"Sure," Rosalie said."My dad was way ahead of his time."
Then the man from Fox News eyeballedRosalie. "Your dad ever step out, perhaps even have a secret affair?"
The crowd murmured amongstthemselves.
Rosalie looked at Sylvia and took hermother's hand. "From what we understand he did correspond with a woman in Argentina. Butwe know nothing about her."
The reporters came to life andstarted making notes and taking pictures. Rosalie was glad she'd been to thehairdresser.
The Fox News guy swung for the seats.He peered at Sylvia. "You implying your husband had a mistress?"
"I never met her," Sylvia'svoice was dry.
"And you?" He looked atSaul.
"As far as I know my dad neverwent to Argentina."
"But this woman? You confirm herpresence?"
Saul pulled at his collar and lookedfrightfully guilty.
The following morning news ofHerbert's mystery liaison appeared across the globe. Twenty women from Buenos Aires came forwardoutside the American Embassy tearfully admitting Herbert Braverman was not onlytheir secret lover but the absentee father of their children.
The District Attorney immediatelycalled for DNA testing. Petitions to exhume Herbert cluttered legal dockets.The press was having a field day.
Sales of Promises to Keep soared,over two million copies were now in print. Herb's four other collections werereprinted and picked up by several book clubs. It was rumored that filmtreatments were underway.
Surprisingly Sylvia found herself onthe cover of People. The reading public saw her as a wife scorned by a man toopassionate for his own pickled herring.
One day Sylvia received anotherenvelope from the Prize Committee in Copenhagen.She opened it and read aloud. "We wish to inform you, that after carefuldeliberation we are withdrawing the literary prize on moral grounds...."
She looked at Rosalie, Saul and Josieand shrugged. "Probably just as well. The way his books are selling thatextra money would kick us into a higher tax bracket. Probably saves us a lot inthe long run."
Sylvia looked over at Herb'sphotograph on the mantle. He seemed to be smiling.
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"TheGoddess Companion"
My friend, don't even ask. Don't askthe fortuneteller or the harupice to tell you how longyou have to live. Don't ask about me, either. Betternot to know. Better just to take each day as it isgiven to us, it makes no difference if there aremany more to follow, or if this is the last year we willsee the ocean throw itself against the nearbycliffs. Be sensible: drink a little wine; do not look toofar ahead. Even as we talk, time is runningpast. Reap the harvest of today, and let itbe enough. ~Horace
The great pagan poet Horace is known for his attitude of carpe diem, or "seize the day," of whichthe ode above is a fine representative. His words are as fresh today as theywere almost two thousand years ago. Tarot readers and psychics today still faceclients who want their fate spelled out. But what good does it do to know theexact time you will die? There is still today, to be lived as fully aspossible. There is still the sun, rising in rainbow splendor or setting in ablaze of glory. There is the world and our loved ones; there is our work andour pleasures. Knowing when it will end does not change the fact of today'sgifts to us. As the poet recommends, let us live today as fully as we can, andeven if it is the last we see, we will have truly lived.
By Patricia Monaghan From "The GoddessCompanion" and GrannyMoon's Morning Feast Archives