Title: Herb of the Day Barley | |
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Date Posted:01/17/2016 08:26 AMCopy HTML Herbof the Day BarleyPearlBarleyMedicinal Uses: Barley is the most alkaline of the cereals and is rich inmagnesium. Contains the alkaloid “hordenine” which is diuretic and mildlyrelaxing. Barley water used for coughs, poor appetite, recurrent diarrhea inchildren, catarrhal inflamed bowel, stomach irritation and digestion duringconvalescence. Barley is used to clean out the arteries and valves around the heart thathave become clogged with fat buildup. It is used for urinary cystitis particularly in females ( Boil till softand strain the liquid and flavor with a little lemon juice or cinnamon or freshfruit juice.) Barley water is a skin freshener which cleanses and softens theskin. To make; simmer 3 tbsp. barley in 3 cups water for an hour. Strain andcool. Rinse off face after using and refrigerate the barley water. Magickal uses: Use Barley when performing Love, Healing, or Protectionspells. Feminine. A toothache can be cured with barley. To free yourself frompain, wrap a straw of barley around a stone while visualizing the pain into thestone. Next throw the stone into a river (or any running water) and see yourpain ‘being washed away’. Scatter on the ground to keep evil and negativityaway. Venus (Deity) Properties: demulcent, digestant, carminative, nutritive, tissue healing,expectorant, abortifacient, febrifuge, stomachic, tonic, , soothes irritatedtissues, stimulates appetite, suppresses lactation. Contains Amylase, invertase, dextrin, phospholipid, riboflavin, pyridoxine,maltose, glucose, Iron, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin, protein, vitaminB1, Growth: An annual grass growing to a height of 1½ to 3 feet. The stoutsimple stem (culm) is hollow and jointed. The narrow tapering leaves withpronounced ‘ear’ appendages are alternate and arise on stems in 2 ranks. Theyform loose sheaths around the stem. The flowers appear in bristly terminalspikes. Not to be fed to nursing mothers; suppresses lactation. Barley Water Method 1 = Add 10 parts washed pearl barley to 100 parts water and boil for20 minutes. Strain. Dose is 1 to 4 oz. Method 2 = Boil 2 oz pearl barley for a few minutes in a little water; thenstrain and add barley to 4 pints of boiling water and boil till water isreduced to 2 pints. Add lemon juice or raisins (if desired) 10 minutes beforecooking is completed. Method 3 = Soak 1/2 lb. barley in 1 quart water for 12 hours or simmer tillsoft. Strain and sweeten with honey if desired. Give several cups per day. Method 4 = Wash 2 oz. of barley, then discard the water. Boil briefly in 1pint of water, then discard the water again. Place barley in 4 pints of waterand add lemon peel; boil down to 2 pints; strain and add 2 oz of honey to thewater. Method 5 = 4 oz. whole barley, 2 oz honey, lemon peel (washed), 1/2 lemon.Add 1 pint of water to the barley, lemon and lemon peel. Simmer till soft, thenremove from heat and let stand. Strain and add honey. Compound Barley water – 2 pints barley water, 1 pint hot water, 2½ oz.sliced figs, 1/2 oz sliced and bruised licorice root, 2½ oz. raisins. Boil downto 2 pints and strain. Barley Broth – Simmer 1 cup of barley in 6 cups of water. Bring water toboil for 2 minutes, then let stand for 15 minutes. Strain out barley and setaside. The water should be drunk during convalescence. The barley can also beeaten (can be blended with honey to give a pudding-like flavor). Decoction – Wash2 oz. of barley with cold water, then boil in 1 cup of water for a few minutes.Discard water and boil barley in 4 pints of water till reduced to 2 pints.Strain and use. Source: |