Title: Invoking the Four Winds | |
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TipsyCad147 | |
Date Posted:03/03/2015 11:29 AMCopy HTML Invoking the Four WindsMany spells and rituals can be prefaced with an invocation to the winds. This is particularly true if you are often working with the winds. The idea of invoking or calling the winds is an ancient one, dating back to at least classical Summoning the powers of the winds and asking for their help is a great way to begin any spell. The technique? Once you have assembled everything you need for the spell in the place you are performing it (preferably outside), turn to the north and say something like the following: Rushing and mighty! Aid me in my magical work! Dazzling and bright! Aid me in my magical work! Face south, and say: Fiery and radiant! Aid me in my magical work! Then move to the west and say: Gentle and buoyant! Aid me in my magical work! Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic |