Title: Magic of the Moon | |
TrueWitchcraft > Sabbats > 2009 Wiccan Sabbats & Full Moons | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:09/29/2009 07:50 AMCopy HTML Magic of the MoonWhat is the Magic of the Moon? Since time began, we have been using the Moon to live our lives by – to tune into the Earth’s natural rhythms – to use the magic of the moon phases for living, growing crops, magic rituals, health and so much more. Moon BasicsThe Moon completes a full orbit around the Earth every 29.5 days. The phases of the Moon are:
During the New Moon phase the position of the moon means no light is reflected off the Sun, so it is not visible at all. The Full Moon appears 14 to 15 days after the New Moon and appears as a glorious glowing white circle in the night sky. This phase reflects the maximum amount of light from the Sun. Each full moon of the year has a name and the following are the dates of the Full Moons for 2009 and their names: The Full Moon and New Moon phases can also affect people in varying degrees - from feeling happy and full of energy to being exhausted, depressed and nervous! Many people sleep quite badly (if at all) during or coming up to either of these Moon phases. Moon MagicThe magic of the Moon is an essential and important part of the Wicca religion. Magic rituals are by and large performed by the moon phases which are known as the Maiden (waxing), the Mother (full) and the Crone (Waning) – all believed to be the faces of the Goddess. The New Moon is excellent for spells that are related to starting new projects, increasing abundance and healing. The Full Moon is good for healing rituals, protection spells and finishing off projects. The Waning Moon is perfect for clearing, cleansing, banishing and divination spells. The three nights before the New Moon are known as the Dark of the Moon. As energies are uncertain and unpredictable at this time, casting spells in this period is not advised. Magic of the Moon Spell No. 1 (Magic Moon Water) What you need: Magic of the Moon Spell No. 3 (Moon Wish Spell) To ask for your heart's desire, draw the symbol of the Waxing Moon in a pure beeswax candle with a rose thorn. Light the candle, and with your eyes fixed upon the flame, concentrate on your heart's desire being granted by the Goddess Moon. When this thought is firmly in your mind, whisper softly: "Goddess Luna, mother of all love and light, grant me my heart's desire (say exactly what you wish for). Grant my wishes, fulfill my heart's desire. Shine on me tonight." Blow out the candle flame, but hold the image of it in your mind's eye for as long as possible. As you think of the candle's flame, know for sure that your wish has been heard. Within the space of one lunar cycle, your heart's desire should be granted. |