Title: Ostara Egg Magick | |
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Date Posted:03/12/2015 08:27 AMCopy HTML Ostara Egg Magick The modern belief that eggs are delivered by a rabbit, comes from the legend of the Goddess Eostre. Eostre was walking one fine Spring day and came upon a beautiful little bird. The poor bird's wing was badly injured and Eostre, feeling great compassion for the little creature, wanted to heal it. But the little bird' wing was so badly damaged that Eostre knew it would never be able to fly again even after She healed it. So, Eostre decided to help the bird by healing it in a way that would give it mobility and a little something more? She turned it into a rabbit!
During the transformation, the rabbit retained the ability to lay eggs. The rabbit was so grateful to Eostre for saving its life that it laid a sacred egg in Her honour, joyously decorated it and then humbly presented it to the Goddess. She was so pleased and so touched by the rabbit's thoughtful gift that She wished all humankind to share in her joy. In honouring her wishes, the rabbit went all over the world distributing these beautifully decorated little gifts of life and continues to do so even today.
Rebirthing Spell Gently place one egg in a pan that is half-filled with boiling water. As you watch the egg boil in the steaming pot, concentrate on something you feel is gone from your life that you wish to have manifest back into it. Conceptualize this desire as living within the egg, a need that will be birthed into being with the eggs assistance. Visualize this miracle happening with as much clarity and detail as you are able. Do this for at least five minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and allow it to cool.
When the egg is able to be handled, take crayons or felt markers in any colour or colours you feel best represents your desire and draw a symbol or some other representation of your wish on the egg. Bury the egg near your front door, as deep as is reasonable. Each time you walk past the place where the egg is buried, be sure to remind yourself of its purpose by restating to yourself an affirmation of your desire. In a short time the egg will break down, the shell cracking open and the yolk decomposing. This symbolic life, death, and rebirth of your wishing egg is linked by magick to your life, and it will help your desire to be rebirthed soon. The How Does My Garden Grow Egg Spell
After you have prepared your garden for planting, take a hard-boiled egg and mark upon it symbols of the earth, growth, and fertility. Browns and greens work especially well here. With your bare hands, dig a small hole in the middle of the planting area while murmuring a prayer to the Goddess of the Earth. Speak from the heart to honour her and ask for her blessings on the garden. Place the egg in the hole and cover it while still repeating your prayer. Walk clockwise three times around the entire perimeter of the garden and chant: Egg of the Goddess, giver of all things, grow my garden abundant this spring. Strong and sacred this place must be, springing forth its bounty, so blessed be. Return to the center of the garden and cover the egg to bury its magickal energy at the heart of your garden.
The Eggshell Fertility Talisman
For this talisman you will need a small green circle of cloth, a needle and thread, a piece of paper with a picture of your goal, eggshells, and some fertility herbs such as bistort, carrot (root and tail), nuts of all kinds, wheat, myrtle, rice, rye, barley, pine cones, acorns, juniper, pine, cedar, lemongrass, honeysuckle, and turnips. You may also include stones associated with fertility such as holey stones or geodes. Handle all of the ingredients, infusing them with your desire to have a baby. Then place them together in the green cloth and sew them shut. Holding the talisman between your hands and your belly, say:
Charm of egg and life to be, power of fertility, come to me. Like the Goddess whose blood mingles with mine, so shall I give birth in nine months time.
Wear the talisman over your belly area as much as possible, renewing your intent by chanting the above quatrain when you can to assist you in becoming pregnant. Egg Magick
Use a broom to sweep hard-boiled eggs from outside your home to the inside to bring in abundance and fertility. Use brown eggs in magick to assist in animal husbandry or to ease a pet through giving birth. Brown eggshells can be added to protective or healing magick for pets or livestock. Bury rotten eggs near a crossroad to cause abundance to be taken away from an enemy. Paint half of a hard-boiled egg in a traditional god colour such as red or gold, and the other half in a goddess colour such as silver or blue, to represent the whole of creation. Let your own feelings about colours guide your final choices. To ensure that there will be no shortage of food at your home during winter, and to help keep those living there safe, bury one egg at each of the four cardinal points of your property: east, south, west, and north. Add well-washed eggshells to talismans for protection. To assist a couple who is having trouble conceiving, decorate a plastic or wooden egg to give as a fertility talisman. Decorated eggshells hanging from bushes and trees shed blessings of abundance on the land they surround. Bury eggs in your garden before doing your spring planting. |