Title: Planetary Correspondences (Jupiter): | |
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Date Posted:08/12/2011 11:17 AMCopy HTML Planetary Correspondences (Jupiter): Jupiter Rules: Success, abundance, money, growth, parties, visions, gambling, leadership, politics, power, honor, royalty, public acclaim and fame, responsibility, wealth, business, success, health, love, expansion, growth. Jupiter's influence is predominantly joviality, and is favorable to all acts of sociability dealings with family, opportunity, group enterprise, civic functions. Jupiter's effect is one of expansion. This is a concept which often misleads most into believing that everything about it is good. Remember, Jupiter brings more - abundance! But it is more of the same that which exists, not something different. It does NOT activate change. Therefore to invoke Jupiter on behalf of someone who is already suffering, or lacking, would bring about total despair, and poverty. It's the influence under which "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer," so use caution. It will bring a bumper crop if the seeds have been properly sown, and the field well tended; but it won’t grow hair on a billiard ball - only a nice shine. Cast spells for "increase" during Jupiter hours. But remember, there has to be something in existing to increase. So if it is a money spell, use a dollar bill, or bank book (never depleted) for a "target" or "seed". If the desired increase is for physical strength or stamina, move the time closer to the Jupiter's influence would be good to put a” fat" spell on an individual who is egotistically and obnoxiously vain about his or her slender physique. It would certainly teach a little tolerance and sympathy for those not so fortunately blessed When someone is inclined to become fettered with the accumulation of too much of anything, banishing ritual may be preformed to rid them of the prevalence of the Jupiter's influence. This must be done with the Moon waning in Capricorn, Gemini or Virgo Detriment: Greed, Wastefullness Element: Air, Fire Day of the Week: Thursday Number: 4 and 5 Astrological Sign: Sagittarius Colour: (Deep)Blue, (Royal)Purple Metal: Tin, Bronze Gods: Bel, Eurymedon, Jupiter, Marduk, Thor, Zeus Goddesses: Isia, Hera, Juno, Themis Herbs & Oils: Aloe, Nutmeg, Sage, Melissa, Cedar, Cinamon, Agrimony, Anise, Betony, Dandelion, Hyssop, Juniper Berries, Plants: Agrimony, anise, ash, balm, betony, bloodroot, borage, cinquefoil, clover, dandelion, hyssop, Juniper berries, mint, Mistletoe, nutmeg Trees: Oak Animals: Unicorn Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune Musical tone: F sharp Intelligence: Iophiel Tone: So, A Letter: D Angels: Sachiel Spirits: Hismael Chant He who expands this planet is for all work dealing with |