A dedication to the victims of September 11, 2001 tragedy

The Lost
We mourn the lost,
We sit and cry.
We were the fortunate ones,
We didn't die.
They suffered,
They went through pain.
We watched it on T.V.,
While they went insane.
Now we must fight; we must die,
While they watch; while they stand by.
American Spirit Tribute
S. Waitz Flash tribute, music "Only Time"
I'm a World Trade Center survivor (56th Floor, North Tower). I've attached a poem written about the event which you may want to consider for your site. "Spirits, Furious" won The Donald G. Whiteside Poetry Award, May 2002, and was selected by a jury for exhibition this month by The Perkins Center for the Arts in New Jersey
Rogue angels chiffon my nights, twelve arms flailing,
Those long whispers of limbs that curl a pale blood around my throat.
They are maddened by my breath, as constant as God’s bare foot.
I saw their burning flesh drop and felt the slow vibration of death,
A hum-drone known to the ages.
Jet fuel streamed under the lime-stripe of a firecoat, poof!
Then I ate them, I swallowed their stardust exploding on glass,
One hundred freight trains crashing.
Come tonight, I’ll cream your skin and feed you cowfoot and beans.
There will be a love song, then you could find my keys and my checkbook and maybe
In my room everything would feel new, like a red birth or a
Muscled and panting fish gill, or just green grass that serves as a bed
For dragonflies.
If not, we'll talk about it when I get there.
By Karen D. Rickenbach