Title: The Direction East & Its Correspondence | |
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Date Posted:07/27/2015 07:00 AMCopy HTML The DirectionEast & Its CorrespondenceEast The Wheel of the East- Free Mind, Creativity,Illumination, Divination, Brain Stimulation, Philosophy, Mindfulness,Awareness, Perception, Thinking Ideas, Communication, Meditation, Focus Element- Air Energy- Swift, Mercurial, Changeable The Journey- The Journey of perception on chaos. Traditional Colours- White, Yellow, Scarley, Peach,Turquoise Blue, Gold, The Rainbow colours of illumination Sacred Spirits- Danu: Goddess of Creativity, Mercury: Godof Communication, Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, Kwan Yin: Goddess of Mindfulness,Buddha: Teacher of Illumination, Raphael: Archangel of the East, mysticilluminator, star traveler, Paralda: Servant of Raphael, shape changer in themists of mind, Sylphs: Elemental spirits of Air, ruled by Paralda, Yod He Vawhe:Elemental King of Air. Sacred Animals- Doves: For Messagesof peace andillumination, Hawk: Focus, Perception. Sacred Items- Sunbleached bones (recycled light), WhiteFeathers – Messengers, Amber, honey, tree saps, Sun-ripened, sun-dried,sun-charged items, Tree top branches, Flying insects, butterflies, most birds,bees Sacred Plants- Wildflowers: For Creativity, Ash Trees:Peace of mind, Birch, aspen, beech, palms for mental health Windweeds and AirPlants Meditation Incenses- Spearmint, Lavender, Clover, LemonBalm and Sage In the East We Work With- Creativity: Tapping theenergies of expansion, Divination: Learning to read the energies, MentalPowers: Shaping our awareness and perception, Peace: Finding and Sharing theflow of harmony. Sacred Minerals- White or Clear Flourite: For Illuminationand creativity, Moonstone: For Receptivity to illumination, Turquoise: ForFocus and Awareness, Single-Point Human World Helping Activities- Divination,Foretunetelling, Sourcing, Vision Quests, Zen Meditation, Tai Chi Chaun,Martial Arts, Brainstorming, Philosophical Debates, Expressive Arts, FlowerArranging, Oriental Mindfulness, Awareness, Buddha Spirit Vibration and Guides Helping Thoughts- Illumination through CreativeCommunication. The Mind is Awareness. |