Title: The Direction North & It’s Correspondences | |
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Date Posted:07/27/2015 07:24 AMCopy HTML The DirectionNorth & It’s CorrespondencesNorth The Wheel of the North- Wisdom, Practicality, Symbols,Ritual, Ceremony, Materialism and Prosperity, Sacred Knowledge, Teaching andLearning, Patience, Truth, Deep-level Ceremonies, Applied Theoretical Magick,Measuring and Plannin g Work, Responsibility, Codes, Authority, Deep Level Pathor Earth Walk Work Element- Earth Energy- Steady, rhythmic, grounded. The heartbeat ofMother Earth. The Journey- The Journey of Wisdom. Traditional Colours- Green, Violet, Brown, Black, White,The deep blue of the earth seen from space, Purple, Gold Sacred Spirits- Athena: Goddess of Wisdom, Demeter:Goddess of Grain and Abundance, Rhea: Mother of all deities, Herne: Horned Godof the Green Wood, Pan: God of Joy on Earth, Ariel (Urierl): Archangel of theNorth, Keeper of the Sacred Wisdom, Ghob: Servant of Ariel, Earth Gnome, guideof the earth journeys, Gnomes: Elemental Spirits of Earth, ruled by Ghob, Agla:Elemental King of Earth. Sacred Animals- Buffalo: For Wisdom and Practicality,Wolf: For Teaching Earth Wisdom, Owl: For Sacred Knowledge. Wisdom, Clarity,Purpose, Dragon: For Symbols, Ritual, Magick, Stag Deer: For Ritual orCeremony, Authority, Magick, Heron: For Organized wisdom from intuition.Applied Measured Wisdom, Mythical Beasts: Of All types, For Learning thesymbols of Wisdom, Moose: Practical Wisdom, Mountain Cats: Earth Walk, Teachers Shadow Plants- Violet, Night Treasures, Owl Feathers,Night Birds Sacred Plants- Oak Trees: For All magick, ritual,ceremony, Redwood Trees: For Sacred wisdom, Truth, Banyan: Luck, Prosperity,Evergreens: Ritual Ceremonial Incense- Myrrh, Sagebrush, Patchouli, Magnolia In the North We Work With- When we ride the wheel of thenorth, we must learn to weigh and measure our growth and progress on the pathof the Shaman. It is in the north that we apply knowledge as well as recievedeeper wisdoms. We combine sacred wisdom with practical wisdom to enhance ourjourney. Sacred Keys- Activating sybmols and spirituality.Patience: Grounding and personal pacing, Prosperity: Using Energies formaterial growth, Practical Wisdom: Using magick for daily application. Sacred Minerals- Crystal Formations or Clusters: Forgathering wisdom and energy, Dark Crystals: For Sacred Knowledge and Ceremony,Onyx: For Practicality, Jasper: For Earth Wisdom, Aventurine: For Prosperity,Green Jade: For Growth and Prosperity, Black Jade: For Patience, Deep VioletFlourite: For Ritual and Symbols, Royal Azurite: For Symbols, Marble: ForSteadfast practicality, Amethyst: For Ritual, Wisdom and Ceremony,Geometrically shaped stones, Ores, Earth Rocks, salt and soil Human World Helping Activities- Nature Ceremonies, PaganFestivals, Shamanic Philosophies, Nature Retreats, Helping Thoughts- With Patience do I seek sacredknowledge and wisdom. With Practicality do I prosper. With Ceremony do I learnearth wisdom. With Ritual do I support my soul’s growth. With Symbols of Earthdo I teach.