Title: The Direction South & Its Correspondence | |
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Date Posted:07/27/2015 07:07 AMCopy HTML The DirectionSouth & Its CorrespondenceSouth The Wheel of the South- Faith and Trust, Elusiveness,Innocence, Physical and Personal Vulnerability, Strength, Protection,Relationships with others, with self. with nature, Renewal, Self-Healing,Stress, Love, Courage Element- Fire Energy- Quick, Rapid, Fire. The Journey- The Journey of Purification. Traditional Colours- Red, Sacred Spirits- Bridget: Goddess of the inner flame oflife and creation, Pele: Goddess of Purification and Upheavals, Mars: God ofstrength and conflict, Michael: Archangel of the South, warrior of the SacredFlames, Djinn: Servant of Michael, great Fire giant, for protection,Salamanders: Elemental Spirits of Fire, ruled by Djinn, Adonai: Elemental Kingof Fire Sacred Animals- Squirrels: Vulnerability and Delusiveness(relationships) tricky, Tigers and Lions: Stress, Courage, Porcupine: ForProtection and to prick you into action. Defense, Badger: For Protection inConflict. Defense, Coyote: For Protection in tricky situations. Vulnerabilityand Elusiveness, Fox: For Elusiveness and Innocence. Vulnerability, Hawk: ForProtection and Relationships, Mouse: For Vulnerability and Elusiveness. Renewaland Self-Healing, Cats: For All sorts, for what Mark Twain called that “Mixtureof Innoncence and sin.”, Bear: Physical Self-Healing Rabbit: Renewal, Self-healing, Snakes: Protection,Possum: Renewal and Self-Healing Sacred Items- Fire-forged items, Red feathers forcourage. Sacred Plants- Maple Tree, Nuts, seeds, pods (forrelationships), Nut Trees for love, Cactus, thorn bushes, spiney plants forprotection. Purification Incenses- Sage, Clove, Thyme, Juniper,Cinnamon, Cedar Guardian Incenses- Sweetgrass, Myrrh, Cedar,Frankincense, Dragon’s Blood Resin, Juniper In the South We Work With- Protection: Establishingpersonal security, Love: Balancing the energies of our realationships,Self-Power: Developing our gifts of Strength, Purification: Cleaning our Selfand Cleaning our Path. Sacred Minerals- Pink Carnelian: For Kinships andrelationships, Red Carnelian: For strength and protection, faith, Gold Amber:For clarity in relationships, Red Amber: For courage and faith, Blue Amber: Forshamanic journeys of purification, inner flame, Yellow& Gold Flourite: Forpersonal protection on journeys, Citrine: For clairty and purification, FireOpal: For deep inner vision, physical purification and cleansing, Steel: ForStrength in trials of life, Iron Ore: For courage and protection Lava: For purification and upheavals, Smokey Human World Helping Activities- Expressive art, Dance,Drama, Movement, Exercise, Physical Communication, Sensuality, Love, WesternBody Awareness, Philosophies, Spirit Vibration Helping Thoughts- In Innocence I am born, In Faith do IGrow, In Strength am I Purified, In Protection I walk. |