Title: The Direction West & Its Correspondence | |
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Date Posted:07/27/2015 06:13 AMCopy HTML The DirectionWest & Its CorrespondenceWest Element- Water Energy- Tidal – it ebbs and flows, but never floods. The Journey- The Journey to Inner Vision. Traditional Colours- Blue-Green, Aqua, Grey, Blue-Grey,Black, Indigo, Blue, Silver, The white of sea foam in the moonlight. Sacred Spirits- Poseidon: God of oceanic consciousness,Neptune: God of Psychic Flow, Isis: Goddess of the rivers of life, Arianrhod:Celtic Goddess of the Moon and Earth, Selene: Goddess of the Full Moon, Hecate:Goddess of the Dark Moon, Gabriel: Archangel of the West, angel of the Moon andinner vision, Niksa: Servant of Gabriel, fluid shape-changer of the innerworlds, Undines: Elemental spirits of Water, Ruled by Niksa, Eheieh: ElementalKing of Water. Sacred Animals- Water Creatures: Dreamwork, Sea Mammals:For Psychic Communication, Sea Birds: For uplifted emotions, Heron: Forintuition and organization, inner self-knowledge, Jaguar: For Shamanic Journeysand Self-Initiations, Raven: For dreams and inner knowledge, spiritcommunication, Bear: For introspection and expecially for healing, Spiritualhealing and renewal, Elk: For feelings and emotions, Fish: For all types ofswimming in the tides of life’s emotions, Dolphin: Deep Psychic Work, Panther:Introspection, Night Creatures: Journey Sacred Items- Water treasures, Seaweeds, Roots, DarkFeathers, Void Meditations Sacred Plants- Willow: Journeys, Magick, Pine Trees:Emotions, Magnolia: Dream Work, Gardenia: Spirit Guides, Love, Lavender:Summons Spirits, Water Plants: Dreams Dream Teas- Chamomile, Jasmine (Shamanic Intuitions),Raspberry, Catnip, Cherry, Hibiscus In the West We Work With- Journeys: Mapping our InnerQuests, Inner Vision: Finding Formulas for Consciousness, Self-Healing:Maintaining personal wellness, Balancing: Harmonizing Aspects of Self. Sacred Minerals- Aquamarine: For inner journeys,serenity, Water Colored Crystals: For psychic Flow, River Stones: For Emotions,Silver: For Intuition, Amestyst: For inner journeys, soothing emotions,Mercury: For changeable emotions, White Coral: For Flexability, RainbowCrystals: For Shamanic Journeys, Blue Flourite: For Shamanic Journeys andDreams, Double-Terminated Crystals: For Healing energies, Tranclucent,Crystalline stones, River or Ocean Rocks, Platinum, Coral and Shells Human World Helping Activities- Dream Work, ShamanicConsciousness Work, Earth Journeys, Eastern Void Meditation, Healing Circles,Self-Healing, Love, Personal Healing, Spirit Guides Helping Thoughts- Feelings are but tiny trickles, andemotions gentle brooks, leading to the great rivers, of Inner Knowing andDreams, All are pulled to the |