Title: The Element of Air | |
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Date Posted:07/30/2015 07:02 AMCopy HTML The Elementof Air In contrast to the visibility of Earth, Air is theElement that we cannot really see at all. We experience it mostly through our tactile and audialsenses, feeling the strength and temperature of a breeze, or hearing the howlof the wind during a storm. Of course , we are in constant interaction with Airvia the breath, even though most of the time we’re not conscious of it. Infact, you might say Air is the Element we notice the least, unless and untilwe don’t have enough of it! Air is a traveling energy, not limited to theground-level perspective of Earth inhabitants, but free to rise and move overgreat distances. Air inhabits vast realms we have no access to, though recentlywe’ve been able to glimpse Air’s domain via planes, helicopters, and spaceshuttles . Because its light density renders it relatively “immune” to gravity,the energy of Air is detached and instantly changeable . Though its quality canbe tempered by the presence of the other Elements, Air cannot ever be trulycontained. Air carries sounds and scents from nearby locations, andso informs us about our surrounding environments. We also communicate bypushing air through the lungs and throat in order to speak or sing. Air energyis therefore associated with the qualities of intellect, mental clarity, andcommunication, and represents the source of knowledge and ideas. It is also theElement of imagination and inspiration— indeed, we speak both literally andfiguratively of “needing fresh air” when our indoor environments, or our lives,have become stagnant. We also talk of surprises as coming “out of thin air” or“out of the blue,” as if to recognize the link between the invisible forcesthat influence our lives and the air itself. Wicca Elemental Magic: A Guide to the Elements,Witchcraft, and Magic Spells |