Title: The Element of Fire | |
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Date Posted:05/19/2015 07:39 AMCopy HTML The Element of Fire Symbols andAssociations
Fire has thequalities of heat and dryness and associations with blood, deliberate movementand passion. In astrology, Fire rules the Zodiac signs Aries, Leo, andSagittarius. People born under the Fire signs are charming, active, fund,mischievous and easily excitable, and they change emotional states rapidly.They love change, bright colors, and stimulating environments. Fire signs arethe leaders and the cheerleaders of the Zodiac. They provide us with muchneeded inspiration, motivation, and creative energy. Their attention spans areshort, but they generally accomplish twice as much as everyone else in half thetime. They sometimes shortcut directions because they’re impatient, which cancause problems for their fellow co-workers. They tend to make snap decisionsbased on gut-level intuitions.
Fire peopleare extremely passionate, jealous and forceful. They live life to the fullestand have powerful emotions. Everything about them is intense, and if nothing ishappening, they will create something, even if it means trouble. They will doalmost anything to avoid boredom. Their minds are always active. They aregenerally quick to anger and quick too forget about it. They also tend to getreadily involved but lack the staying power of the other Elements. They arefull of zest, are usually brilliant, and live for the moment.
Fire leapsupward and can help carry spells into the clouds and beyond. After all, the Sunand the stars are fire in the sky. The Sun is a God symbol in many paganreligions. Fire ideas can often be very distant and innovative from the ideasof this Earth. Although fire consumes, it also creates new life. |