Title: The Elemental Purification | |
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Date Posted:04/23/2015 07:10 AMCopy HTML The ElementalPurificationThis rite utilizes the powers of the four elements(Earth, Air, Fire, Water) to cleanse the home. At a time when you are alone inthe home, or in the presence of family members or housernates, assemble on atable the following items: A bowl or flat dish of salt An incense burner (censer) Frankincense (or any other sweet-fumed incense sticks,cones or powder) A white candle A bowl of clean, pure water Light the incense and the candle. Stand before the tableand open yourself to your home. Feel its energies. Really tune in to anyimpressions you receive. After a moment, hold your hands over the assembled toolsand say something like the following (feel free to improvise): 1 charge you, tools of the elements, To sweep my house clean of all ill and bane. This is my will, so mote it be! Take the dish of salt and, moving clockwise around thehouse, throw a pinch of salt into each corner of every room, saying thefollowing or similar words: By the powers of Earth, I cleanse this house! In your imagination, see the salt burning away negativityas you sprinkle and toss it. Your purification will be as strong as yourvisualization. Also throw pinches into cupboards and closets, throughopen windows and doors, into attics and basements, and in the garage. Next, set the salt down and pick up the censer. While theincense smokes, carry it on the same route you used with the salt. Holding itbefore open windows and doors and in the corners of each room, visualize thesmoke clearing away all negativity and evil. Say the following at regularintervals: By the powers of Air, I cleanse this house! Once you have walked through the whole house, return thecenser and take the lit candle on the same route. Again, visualize, movingclockwise and holding the flame before windows and doors, seeing it shiningforth with magical power, burning away negativity. Every so often, say: By the powers of Fire, I cleanse this house! Finally, replace the candle on the table and take up thebowl of water. Sprinkle water throughout the house, in every corner and atexits and entrances. Toss some drops at and through windows. See and know thatthe water is washing away ills with a tidal wave of magical power. Say thefollowing: By the powers of Water, I cleanse this house! Set the bowl on the table and stand for a few minutes inthe house. It should feel calmer, more peaceful, fresh and clean. If not,repeat the ritual. Close the doors and windows, and, if time permits, leave thesalt, incense, candle and water together on the table until the candle burnsitself out and the incense is reduced to ash. |