Date Posted:03/20/2015 08:08 AMCopy HTML
TheElements Spirit
Spirit is the final element and is the subtle spiritualessence that resides in all things within the Universe. It is the unseenelement that is tied to all things physical , but reflected in the essence ofthings, not the physical appearance that enshrouds the spirit. It is the energyyou feel in the rock you hold, the tree you commune with, the caress of thewinds on your skin and in your hair, it is the heat of the flame that warms youand the visions in the flames as you meditate. Spirit is the energy of all, ofthe Universe, it is the power with which you summon all other elements and bendthem to you Workings. Spirit is what brings order that is the maelstrom ofchaos in the Universe. Spirit is represented by the color purple and isassociated with the practitioner within the Working Circle or by the figures of theGods and Goddesses the practitioner is Working with.
The Green Mother’s Book of Shadows Gwenyfur Draigtanllwyth