Title: The Mirror as a Portal to the Astral Plane | |
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Date Posted:08/13/2014 08:00 AMCopy HTML The Mirror asa Portal to the Astral Plane Prepare the work area and magickcircle; decide exactly what you seek on the astral plane. Before going into a light trance, useherbal fluid condenser to draw the symbol of the Moon Boat (a crescent)withyour finger. Control breathing and go into trance. Imagine yourself growing smaller andfinally small enough to enter the mirror…. Feel yourself being drawn into themirror’s portal. Inside, you encounter a beautiful moonlit shore, above you isa star filled sky and ahead is a dark sea covered with rolling mists. There,waiting for you upon the sea, is the moonboat you have created for yourself.Step aboard and relax as a silken sail rises. Each time you breathe, the sailfills with your breath. You begin to float and glide swiftly and silentlyacross the dark sea. There is nothing to fear in this calm seascape.Travel deeper into trance and further across the sea until you reachanother shore…. Step ashore and experience the newland. Note the details of the landscape and how you feel about being there.Mentally call out to your astral guide and wait for her/him to appear beforecontinuing on. When your guide approaches, greet her/him, and explain what youseek. Follow where the guide leads and take notice of all sensations andimages. When you feel that your needs havebeen met, thank your guide and return swiftly to the moon boat. Step aboard andreturn the way you came. Return slowly to your physical body and begin to seethrough your physical eyes again. You will remember all you saw and felt onyour journey… write it all down in your scrying journal. THE ART OF SCRYING AND THE MAGICALMIRROR by Katlyn |