Title: The Sacred Art of Chanting | |
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Date Posted:06/08/2015 05:51 AMCopy HTML The Sacred Art ofChantingThe sacred art of chanting is a practice as old as timeitself, involving the use of words and phrases in an attempt to bolster onesspiritual development. Many ancient and modern religions use chants as part oftheir own religious culture. In Wicca, chanting is used to raise the energy withinoneself to achieve a goal or task. It allows one to align with the God orGoddesses consciousness then imbuing that consciousness into their own being.Chanting sends energy to the spiritual realm in order to manifest change in thephysical realm. Chanting will also assist with focusing your mind on whateverit is you are looking to achieve. When chanting, it is very important to have completefaith in the recitation of the chant being used. It is primarily through faith– aided by a strong will – that you achieve your goals. Source: |