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Date Posted:01/29/2009 09:54 AMCopy HTML


Book Of Shadows

Wiccan Rede:

Bide the Wiccan Laws we must
In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.

Live and let live,
Fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the Circle thrice about
To keep the evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time
Let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch,
Speak little, listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing moon,
Chanting out the Witches' Rune.

Widdershins go by the waning moon,
Chanting out the baneful rune.

When the Lady's moon is new,
Kiss the hand to her, times two.

When the moon rides at her peak,
Then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North wind's mighty gale,
Lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the South,
Love will kiss thee on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the West,
Departed souls will have no rest.

When the wind blows from the East,
Expect the new and set the feast.

Nine woods in the cauldron go,
Burn them fast and burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree,
Burn it not or cursed you'll be.

When the Wheel begins to turn,
Let the Beltane fires burn.

When the Wheel has turned to Yule,
Light the log and the Horned One rules.

Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree,
By the Lady, blessed be.

Where the rippling waters go,
Cast a stone and truth you'll know.

When ye have a true need,
Hearken not to others' greed.

With a fool no season spend,
Lest ye be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part,
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Threefold Law you should,
Three times bad and three times good.

When misfortune is enow,
Wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in Love ever be,
Lest thy lover's false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An ye harm none, do what ye will

Image2-1.png picture by WhiteCandleWillow

The Wiccan Rede of Chilvary

Chilvary is a high code of honour which is of most ancient pagan origin, and must be lived by all who follow the Old Ways.

1. It must be kenned that thoughts and intent put forth on this Middle-Earth will wax strong in other worlds beyond, and return...bringing into creation, on this world, that which had been sent forth. Thus one should exercise discipline, for "as ye plant, so shall ye harvest."

2. It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain godhead.

3. "This is above thine own self be true."

4. A Witch's word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. Thus, give thy word sparingly, but adhere to it like iron.

5. Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may be known.

6. Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in large part, a thing of falsehoods.

7. Be thou honest with others, and have them known that honesty is likewise expected of them.


8. The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep one's head is a virtue.

9. Contemplate always the consequences of thine acts upon others. Strive not to harm.

10. Diverse covens may well have diverse views on love between members and with others. When a coven, clan, or grove is visited or joined, one should discern quietly their practices, and abide thereby.

11. Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humor are much to be admired.

12. As a Witch, thou hast power, and thy powers wax strongly as wisdom increases. Therefore, exercise discretion in the use thereof.

13. Courage and honor endure forever. Their echos remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust.

14. Pledge friendship and fealty to those who so warrant. Strengthen others of the Brethen and they shall strengthen thee.

15. Thou shall not reveal the secrets of another Witch or another Coven. Others have labored long and hard for them, and cherish them as treasures.

16. Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways, those who are one-born must see nothing, and must hear nothing.

17. Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world.

18. The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom.

19. Have pride in thyself, and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the Lady has said, "How canst thou honour another unless thou give honor to thyself first?"

20. Those who seek the Mysteries should consider themselves as select of the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of humankind to the highest of thrones and beyond the very stars.

The Threefold Law

If you deliberately harm or manipulate another person through the use of Magick (black or otherwise), or through any form or thought, deed or word (whether performed with malice, evil intent or not) you will pay for your actions by having the bad deeds return three-fold.

By the same token, when you do something good or positive (either through Magick or other actions in the mundane world) the results will be three-fold good Karma returned to you.

Though many feel that the application of the Three Fold Law could violate the Newtonian Laws ('For every action there will be an equal and opposite re-action'), I tend to take it not in it's literal sense, but to look at the context that the karmic return will be in. By which I mean to say that if through my own ill feelings I do something that causes harm unto another, then the actual return may not be 3 times as great an actual deed, but in terms of what the negative return means to me and my life at that point in time it could well have an effect far greater than it would normally (let's say the Karmic return I receive is to suffer a puncture on our car, in itself an irritation but nothing too major, but what if I was on my way to the Airport? Or on the way to a job interview? This relatively small incident could then cause me far more hardship with me missing my plane - and hence holidays! - or even in not getting the job!) This is not necessarily widely believed, nor adhered to. However, it is something good to keep in mind when the mood for revenge strikes you.  "What goes around comes around" has been proved true many a time. The following shows how this concept can be seen in many religions and belief structures!

An Ancient Precept
Baha'i - 'Blessed is he who preferreth his brother before himself.'
(BAHA'ULLAH, Tablets of Baha'ullah, 71)
Buddhism - 'Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.'
Christianity - 'All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even
so to them.'
(JESUS, Matthew 7:12)
Confucianism - 'Do unto other what would have them do unto you.'
 (Analects 15:23)
Hinduism - 'This is the sum of duty: do naught unto others which would cause you
pain if done to you.'
(Mahabharata 5:1517)
Islam - 'No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that
which he desires for himself.'
Jainism - 'In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, we should regard all
creatures as we regard our own self.'
(LORD MAHAVIRA, 24th Tirthankara)
Judaism - 'What is hateful to you, do not to your fellowman. That is the law:
all the rest is commentary.'
(Talmud, Shabbat 31a)
Native American - 'Respect for all life is the foundation.'
(The Great Law of Peace)
Sikhism - 'Don't create enmity with anyone as God is within everyone.'
 (Guru Arjan Devji 259, Guru Granth Sahib)
Zoroastrianism - 'That nature only is good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.'
(Dadistan-i-Dinik, 94:5)
And of course my favourite:

'An it harm none do what thou will.'

Image2-1.png picture by WhiteCandleWillow 

The Thirteen Goals of a Witch

i) Know Thyself

ii) Know Thy Craft

iii) Learn, Knowledge is Power

iv) Apply Knowledge with Wisdom

v) Achieve balance in your life and everything around you

vi) Keep your words in good order- negativity breeds negativity

vii) Keep your thoughts in good order

viii) Celebrate life and all the stages of it

ix) Attune with the cycles of the Earth and Moon

x) Breathe and eat correctly

xi) Exercise the body as well as the spirit

xii) Meditate everyday

xiii) Honour the Goddess and God

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TipsyCad147 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • Register:11/06/2008 08:51 AM

Re:TipsyCad's Book of Shadows

Date Posted:01/29/2009 10:08 AMCopy HTML



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DiamondGirls ©HTML by Deb's@DesignersDelight  Tiles from SKPPTilesofCreativeElegance

TipsyCad147 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:Cyprus
  • Register:11/06/2008 08:51 AM

Re:TipsyCad's Book of Shadows

Date Posted:01/29/2009 13:04 PMCopy HTML

The Witches Creed

Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny's pathway,
That now we bring forth into light.

Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air,
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the magical ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat
Returns, and the witches are seen
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Eve and old Hallowe'en.

When day-time and night-time are equal,
When sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
And Witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven's array.
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.

The power that was passed down the age,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.
When drawn is the magical circle,
By sword or athame of power,
Its compass between two worlds lies,
In land of the shades for that hour.
This world has no right then to know it.

And world of beyond will tell naught.
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of magic is wrought.

For the two are mystical pillars,
That stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
The forms and the forces divine.

The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess:
Of this our ancestors teach.

By night he's the wild winds rider,
The Horn'd One, the Lord of the Shades.
By day he's the King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades.

She is youthful or old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.

The master and mistress of magic,
That dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the Old Gods,
And Dance and make love in their praise,
Till Elphame's fair land shall receive us
In peace at the end of our days.

And Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it Love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment.
By Magic of old, be it done!

The Witches' Rune

Darksome night and shining moon,
     Hearken to the witches' rune.
       East, then south, west then north,
       Here come I to call the forth.

     Earth and water, air and fire,
     Work ye unto my desire.
        Wand and Pentacle and Sword
        Hearken ye unto my word.

     Cords and Censer, Scourge and Knife,
        Waken all ye into life.
      Powers of the Witches Blade,
        Come ye as the charm is made.

      Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
      Lend your aid unto the spell.
        Horned Hunter of the Night,
        Work my will by magic rite.

        By all the power of land and sea,
    As I do will, so mote it be.
      By all the might of moon and sun,
      Chant the spell and be it done.

The Charge of the Goddess

    Listen to the Words of the Great Mother; she who of old was also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other names:

    "Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches.  There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach all things that are yet unknown.  And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites; and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.  For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings.  Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it; let naught stop you or turn you aside.  For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth and mine is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of immortality.  I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.  Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before.  Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the earth."

    "I am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the heart of man.  Call unto thy soul, arise, and come to me.  For I am the soul of nature, who gives life unto the Universe.  From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.  Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth; for behold all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.  Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you.  and thou who thinketh to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thou knoweth the mystery; that if that which thy seekest thou findest not within thee, thou wilt never find it without thee.  For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." 

The Charge of the God

    Listen to the words of the Great Father, who of old was called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by may other names:

    "My Law is Harmony with all things. Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life and mine is the dish of salt of the earth that is the body of Cernunnos that is the eternal circle of rebirth. I give the knowledge of life everlasting, and beyond death I give the promise of regeneration and renewal. I am the sacrifice, the father of all things, and my protection blankets the earth."

    Hear the words of the dancing God, the music of whose laughter stirs the winds, whose voice calls the seasons:

    "I who am the Lord of the Hunt and the Power of the Light, sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame, I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me. For I am the flesh of the earth and all it's beings. Thru me all things must die and with me are reborn. Let my worship be in the body that sings, for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals. Let there be desire and fear, anger and weakness, joy and peace, awe and longing within you. For these too are part of the mysteries found within yourself, within me, all beginnings have endings, and all endings have beginnings."

    So Mote It Be!


Quarter Calls 


Hail to the Watchtower of the East!
I call upon the dragon Sairys, ruler of winds and clouds, to guard and protect this circle.
I summon the powers of air,
Clear sighted eagle,
Golden dawn of new beginnings,
Refreshing winds of change.
Come to our circle, dazzling and brilliant, to aid us in our rite.
Be here now.

Hail to the Watchtower of the South!
I call upon the dragon Fafnir, ruler of sumbeams and flames, to guard and protect this circle.
I summon the powers of fire,
Courageous lion,
Passion of the red noon,
Warm glow of the hearth.
Come to our circle, fiery and blazing, to aid us in our rite.
Be here now.

Hail to the Watchtower of the West!
I call upon the dragon Naelyan, ruler of seas and lakes, to guard and protect this circle.
I summon the powers of water,
Ancient serpent of wisdom,
Soothing azure dusk,
Sparkling fountain and shimmering pool.
Come to our circle, gentle and buoyant, to aid us in our rite.
Be here now.

Hail to the Watchtower of the North!
I call upon the dragon Grael, ruler of mountains and lands, to guard and protect this circle.
I summon the powers of earth,
Mighty bull of fertile fields,
Silent repose of black midnight,
Deep cave of wisdom and knowledge.
Come to our circle, solid and strong, to aid us in our rite.
Be here now.


To the guardians and powers of the North,
Thank you for lending your strength to our circle,
We ask now that you depart in peace.
Hail, and farewell.

To the guardians and powers of the West,
Thank you for lending your cleansing flow to our circle,
We ask now that you depart in peace.
Hail, and farewell.

To the guardians and powers of the South,
Thank you for lending your willpower to our circle,
We ask now that you depart in peace.
Hail, and farewell.

To the guardians and powers of the East,
Thank you for lending your enlightenment to our circle,
We ask now that you depart in peace.
Hail, and farewell.


Assembled by Falen @ DiamondGirls ©HTML by Deb's@DesignersDelight  Tiles from SKPPTilesofCreativeElegance

TipsyCad147 Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:Cyprus
  • Register:11/06/2008 08:51 AM

Re:TipsyCad's Book of Shadows

Date Posted:01/30/2009 09:57 AMCopy HTML

Calling the Quarters

from Terri Paajanen
A variation to the standard Quarter calls used while casting a circle.
Calling the Quarters
Living Spirit of the East,
We call to You
Airy Sylphs
Powers of Intellect
Strength of the whirlwind
and pleasant scents
of the Dawning Spring
come join us on this night
be witness to this Rite
help our minds to think as one
Welcome and Blessed Be

Living Spirit of the South,
We call to you
Fiery Salamanders
Powers of Will
Wild beauty of lightning
and gentle warmth
of the Summer Sun
come join us on this night
be witness to this rite
help our energy to burn as one
Welcome and Blessed Be

Living Spirit of the West
We call to You
Watery Selkies
Powers of Emotion
Majesty of a storm as sea
and cooling patter
of the Autumn Rain
come join us on this night
be witness to this Rite
help our emotions flow a one
Welcome and Blessed Be

Living Spirit of the North
We call to you
Earthy Gnomes
Powers of Incarnation
Fertility of garden soil
and endurance
of cold ground in winter
be witness to this rite
come join us on this night
help our bodies to work as one
Welcome and Blessed Be
Blessed Be!


Sacred Space

What makes your space sacred?

 You are what makes the space sacred. The main concern of your space is that it must be clear of fear and confusion. You create the space to fit your needs, ability and desire. Richard Bach wrote, "argue for your limitations, and they are yours." We all tend to draw mental boundaries on what is and is not acceptable. Your sacred space is and will be your power center to erect your altar, perform rituals, or simply commune with the universe. It is a place that has to be respected for various reasons.

 There are many types of physical spaces but the two we will talk about here are the indoor and outdoor areas. The most basic of prerequistes for either place is privacy. If you are living with someone else, if they have the same belief system or not, privacy and respect for the area is important.

Indoor Spaces

There are obviously times where doing rituals and etc. outdoors will not be possible, so having a sacred space indoors is necessary. If you are doing an indoor ritual, meditation of visualization, you can still imagine the strength from the God/dess coming through the walls. If doing a ritual or etc. with others, attempt to make sure that the sacred space is as free from negativity or fear as possible. This space must be comfortable for you and those around you.

Ourdoor spaces

 Try to include stone benches, a fountain or a small pool along with other items you have decided would work well with you in your rituals. Try to find some area that will offer you privacy, which in today's society is difficult at best, so you can do your rituals and holidays in as much privacy as possible. Please keep in mind that creating this space can at times, take years until you are totally satisfied with the design and upkeep of your area. Also, keep in mind that if you have the room, you can expand the area to fit your needs. There may be a time that a temporary outdoor area would work the best, just make sure, if you are going to a new area, to ask the power in the area first. A sacred space will carry the positive energy you generate there long after a ritual is over, whether done indoors or outdoors.

Creating Your Own Holy Water

 Holy water can be used for a variety of magickal workings, from cleansing a room to assisting in a healing. Please follow the instructions carefully.

You will need the following items:
1 tsp of rose water (optional)
2 tbsp sea salt or Kosher salt
1 small bowl of spring water*
1 clean glass container
1 new compact mirror
1 storage bottle (small)

*NOTE- spring water is extremely hard to come by. You may not be able to trust the bottled water, as it has been determine that many who use it are victims of false advertising, so be sure you are familiar with the spring water company. Should you go out in the country, you may bring a bottle with you and get yours from a stream or spring, the life within that water would add strength to your workings.

Follow these steps:
Cleanse and sterilize the bowl and glass container with boing water.
Insure that you have total privacy during preparation.
Time - midnight during a full moon phase.
Place - out of doors under the moon, or near a window that will reflect the light of the moon.
Set your work cloth and all ingredients upon it.
Take five or six deep breaths to relieve the stress of the day.
Cast your magick circle.
Holding your arms outstretched in the Goddess position say the following:

In the cloak of the midnight hour
I call upon the Ancient Power
I seek the presence of the Lady and Lord
To bless this water that I will pour.

 At this point, you should feel the energy of Earth Mother and Skyfather move about your feet and head. Feel your own energy expand around your navel and then unity with Divinity. Take your time, no need to rush.
Add the rose water to the spring water. Pick up the bowl of water; hold it toward the light of the moon and say:

In my hands, I hold the essence of the Gods, I hereby cleanse and consecrate this water to Divinity that it may be used for positive acts only and may aid me in my magickal work.

As with the water, imagine the energy of the Moon Goddess empowering the salt.
Set the salt down and pour a little into the bowl of water, stir clockwise three times. Repeat this process twice more.
With the bowl in your left hand (receiving) and the mirror in your right (sending), reflect the light of the moon off the mirror and into the bowl.
After a few moments say:

This liquid is now pure and dedicated to the Lord and Lady.
It is free from all negativity and in any time and any space.

Set the bowl and mirrow down and hold both of your hands, palms down, over (not touching) the bowl, about an inch above the water.

 Let the vibrations of your body come alive. Open your third eye chakra and imagine a glowing purple light emanating from it. Form an open triangle with your hands over the water and project the light into it. In your mind, see the water change color and glow. Feel the power and energy flow from your head down through your arms and up from your feet and out from your arms simultaneously.
When you feel the energy begin to dissipate, slowly lower your hands and say:

As I will
So mote it be
With the free will of all
And harm to none
This formula is done!

 Be sure to ground yourself after your ceremony by either placing your hands on the earth and returning the energy or imagine yourself leaving the skeleton of the energy behind as you stop away.

 The information concerning the holy water is from Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenheart.

Sacred Circle
Mapping Consciousness with Seven Directions
by Selena Fox

Honoring the directions of the Sacred Circle is a widespread spiritual practice in ancient and contemporary Nature wisdom traditions. For many practitioners, honoring t he directions is an essential component of all rituals. It is a way to create and to connect with sacred space. It also is a way of communing with Nature. Furthermore, it can be a way of mapping consciousness and viewing life.

The Sacred Circle with its directions is called by some, the "Magic Circle," and by others, the "Medicine Wheel." Some traditions emphasize the four compass directions of the Circle. Others work with the four compass points plus a central point representing unity. Some also include two additional directions in the center, up and down, to create a Sacred Sphere as well as the Sacred Circle. Qualities, images, colors, and other symbolic associations with the directions vary from path to path, but the idea of Sacred Circle as a place of balancing, healing, and wholeness extends across traditions.

Here are seven directions you can try in your personal spiritual practice, in doing healing and counseling, and in guiding group rituals at Circle Sanctuary and elsewhere. The seven directions are an integral part of some Pagan's worldview and provide a framework for understanding and for action. My correspondences of the compass directions and central point with the five Elements of Nature have developed from my work with Wiccan spirituality and contemporary psychology over the past twenty years.

While the map of consiousness with its seven directions and Sacred Sphere form wor ks well for me and for others, it is important to note that it is but one of many maps within Paganism today. Traditions vary not only in the number of directions honored, but the correspondences associated with each direction and the order in which the directions are worked with in ritual. It is important that practitioners chart their own maps according to their own traditions, preferences, and experiences. The map I use and present here has evolved over time and continues to evolve. Feel free to adapt it for your own needs.

This map provides a framework for attunement with Nature in Her many forms. The Elements are at the compass points and other sacred lifeforms are on the central axis.

This map also provides a lens through which to view dimensions of self and health. It can be useful in assessing areas of wellness and strength as well as areas which need healing attention. Included in my descriptions of correspondences for each direction are examples of healing modalities which can address needs speci fic to each area.


This is the direction of the Element Earth and the Power of Body. Its Nature forms are rocks, clay, sand, and soil. In human life, this is the physical dimension and the sensing realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attentio n to your physiological processes, to the sensations in your body, to your biological needs, and to your physical health. Healing modalities include good nutrition, hygiene, body language awarenss and change, relaxation, and rest.


This is the directi on of the Element Air and the Power of Mind. Its Nature forms are the winds, the atmosphere, and the breath. In human life, this is the mental dimension and the thinking realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your thought processes, to your ability to reason, to your attitudes, and to your mental health. Healing modalities include self-talk analysis, affirmations, journal writing, cognitive restructuring, and education.


This is the direction of the Element Fire and the Power of Ac tion. Its Nature forms are flames, lightning, and electricity. In human life, this is the behavioral dimension and the doing realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your repetoire of activities, to the amount of time you allot to work a n d to play, to the quality of your alone time, to the nature of your interactions with others, and to your behavioral health. Healing modalities include play, exercise, time management, life restructuring, breaking destructive or outmoded habits, career de velopment, positive behavioral change, and goal setting and achievement.


This is the direction of the Element Water and the Power of Emotions. Its Nature forms are oceans, lakes, streams, rivers, wells, springs, dew, precipitation, and fluids in the b ody. In human life, this is the emotional dimension and the feeling realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your moods, to your feelings about yourself and about others, to the levels of intimacy and trust in your relationships, and to your emotional health. Healing modalities include guided imagery, active listening, expressing feelings, sharing feelings, giving comfort and being comforted, singing, dancing, drawing, and other forms of artistic expression.


This is the direction of Sky and Cosmos. Its Nature forms are the sun, moon, planets, stars, meteors, galaxies, and deep space. In human life, this is the realm of cosmic consciousness. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your being part of the community of life in t he universe. As you contemplate the heavens, use your imagination to reach out into mysteries of outer space and other worlds. Experience yourself as an inhabitant of a planet moving through space. Reflect on creation legends and on stories of humans that have ventured forth into space from our planet.


This is the direction of Planet and Sacred Place. Its Nature forms are the biosphere of Planet Earth and the community of lifeforms (such as creatures and plants as well as other humans) in your own hom e environment. In human life, this is the realm of planetary consciousness. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your being part of the tapestry of life in your local area as well as being part of the greater community of life on the Planet . As you contemplate this, use your imagination to feel connected with the web of life that includes trees, herbs, creatures, microbes, and the Elements as well as other humans. Experience yourself as a part of the biosphere, also known as Planet spirit or Mother Earth.


This is the direction of Spirit. Its Nature form is the Divine Soul stuff that links all life together. It is the synthesis of the Elements and the directions. In human life, this is the spiritual realm and the dimension of the Divine in its many forms. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to the core of your being -- your inner Self. Honor the Divine as you know it -- Goddesses, Gods, Nature Spirits, Ancestors, Spiritual Guides, Love, Unity in Diversity. Connect with bala nce, harmony, beauty, wholeness, integrity, and bliss. Healing modalities include dreamwork, inner journeys, understanding inner guidance worship, ecstatic dance, drumming, chanting, invocations, vision quests, and spiritual service.


There are three axes in this map: North-South, East-West, and Up-Down. Each axis contains a balance. The North-South axis is a balance between the reflective sensing and the active doing. The East-West axis is a balance between thinking and feeling, or in other words, ana lysis and intuition. The Up-Down axis is a balance between attunement to the home Planet and attunement to the beyond. In the central Spirit point, the axes converge. Together the axes form a Sacred Sphere around the Spirit point.

In working with this map of consciousness, it is important to note some distinctions. With this map, a clear distinction is made between Earth as an Element and Earth as the Planet. The Element Earth refers specifically to the rocks and soil that comprise the land mass of the Pla net, while the Planet itself embodies all the Elements in its domain and therefore is on the central axis.

This map also makes a distinction between the Element Fire and the unifying Element Spirit. While in some systems Fire and Spirit are one, in this map they are separate, since Spirit is viewed as a synthesis of all Four Elements.

The inclusion of Sky/Cosmos, or Up, direction in this map underlies my preference for referring to Contemporary Pagan philosophy as "Nature Spirituality" instead of as "Earth Spirituality," "Gaean Religion," or "Green Spirituality." I view the term Nature Spirituality as a broader term that reflects communion with Nature not only on this Planet, but beyond it. The terms "Earth," "Gaean," and "Green" are specific to Divine com m union with Nature on this Planet. While descriptive of paths that where Mother Earth honoring is central, Paganism also includes paths that are more Star focused. Nature Spirituality is an appropriate umbrella terms for these diverse forms and provides mo r e flexibility for the Pagan future. As Pagans journey off this Planet into space in the centuries to come, it will be interesting to note how ritual communion with Nature in other realms develops and what non-Planet Earth based Nature religions will emerg e.

Seven Directions Ritual
A powerful way to work with this map, to understand it more fully, and to incorporate it into your own experience is to use it ritually. The Seven Directions Ritual I present here can be used as is as a daily spiritual practice o r worked with as part of a more elaborate ritual. In addition to spiritually experiencing the map of consciousness, this ritual is an opportunity to connect with messages relevant to your own life.

To perform this ritual, find a place where you will not b e disturbed. An outdoor location in a natural setting is best, but an indoor room can also do. While this ritual can be done solely in the imagination, it is more effective when done when one's mind, body, emotions, actions, and inner Self/Spirit are all actively participating. This ritual can be done at any time of day or night and in any season.

Take a compass with you to the site you have chosen. Mark each compass point and the central point with a stone or other object. Relax, purify, and center yourse lf as you would for other spiritual work, such as by using relaxed breathing, incense, and/or chanting. When you are ready, begin.

Begin in the North. Face North with upraised hands. Call to the powers of North and Earth to be with you and to bless and gu ide you. Then holding your hands to your heart, experience the power of the direction flowing into yourself and attune yourself to your body. Pay attention to any inner guidance you receive as you do this. End by giving thanks. Follow a similar process as you connect with each direction.

Next go the East and face it with upraised hands. Call to the powers of East and Air and, with hands to your heart, attune yourself to your mind. Note any inner guidance that emerges and give thanks.

Go to the South and face it with upraised hands. Call to the powers of South and Fire. With hands to your heart, attune yourself to your action part of self. Note any inner guidance that emerges and give thanks.

Go to the West and face it with upraised hands. Call to the powers of West and Water. Moving your hands to your heart, attune yourself to your feelings. Note any inner guidance that comes and then give thanks.

Move around the Circle past the North and start spiralling inward, making at least one spiraled circle around the center. Point your hands out as you move. Feel yourself connecting with the circle that links the compass points. Spiral into the center. Honor the Sacred Circle as you stand in the North of center and face South.

Raise your arms above your head towa rd the heavens and look Upward. Call to the powers of the Cosmos. Experience yourself linking in with the Universe beyond the Planet. Hold your hands to your heart. Note any inner guidance that comes to you as you take the energy of this direction into yo urself. Give thanks.

Now point your arms Downward toward the Planet. If you feel so moved, sit or lie down and place your hands palm down on the ground. Call to the powers of the Planet and the place of this rite. Experience yourself linking in with the We b of Life on this Planet. Draw the powers of this direction into yourself and note any inner guidance that comes to you as you do this. Give thanks.

Finally, stand and face the center, with your arms outstretched before you. Call to the power of Spirit, o f Divine Unity. Call the Divine by the name(s) you know it. Then, bring your hands to your heart and experience oneness, balance, and wholenss. Pay attention to any inner guidance that comes to you. Give thanks.

The ritual can end at this point, or you ca n move into additional ritual activities. When you are done, make a note of your experiences in a journal and/or reflect on what occurred. Draw on understandings of the directions and their associations in developing your own map of consciousness and designing future rituals.

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Re:TipsyCad's Book of Shadows

Date Posted:07/02/2011 06:41 AMCopy HTML


Morrigan Poetry

My heart is a raven,
  She loves to soar,
 The Knights stormy sky,
Her beauty blue-black, 
In the mourning Son,
  Feathers spread to dry. 
 She cries out forever,
I can see the rainbow,
  In her  black ice eye. 

The Morrigu

She haunts you in your dreams
When you wake you can’t even scream
You hear the wind in the midnight sky
Upon which the Morrigu shall fly
She is justice and everything right
Look out for more than dreams tonight...
Between both worlds the crow awaits
This perfect twist of fate
Life or death, living or dead
You can’t escape the places you’ve tread
Mark my words, make no mistake

It’s only everything she will take...

Morrigan Poem

When the crows shriek thier frightening warnings,
       When autumn ends, and Winter falls,
  You will see a Lady a wondering,weeping through the saddened fields.
       She is turning the Silver Wheel of the seasons.

 When the crows heed thier endless calling,
  Look to the Moon to see a Lady, dancing in the blackened clouds,
And when at night you see her coming, fall in wonder of what
  beauty she possesses, and shed your tears.
 The Great Queen is walking her footsteps once again.
    Morrighan, Morrighan, you'll call her by name.

 When the old earth opens from beneath your feet,
   crows will catch you before you fall and place you in Her cauldron,
 where rebirth waits and death awakens,
   your prophecy you will find.
What you see is Her, walking the shadows and howling to the Universe,
  forewarning Her arrival.

 Black hair falling to Her feet, fill the ocean and become the waves,
Her legs become the forest; Her breasts become the mountains.
     Her womb becomes your ancient home.

Am Mothan

Now I pick the Sacred Mothan,
As did Mapon macc Matrona,
In the Holy Name of Dagda,
And of Brigit, Lugh and Danu.

Though in Field of Furious Fighting,
Where no Bounds are known to Anger,
Be Thou Happiness and Comfort,
Mighty Morrighan's Protection!


Obi ri Droch Shuil


Here beeth Morrhigan's Spell for the Eye,
Given to Beautiful Brighid.
Use it for Earth and for Sea,
And for Fire and Wind.
Use it for Talon and Wing,
And for Tooth of the Wolf.

Let he who laid the Eye on thee,
By selfsame Eye have Curses three:
His Flock decreased, his House destroyed,
His ev'ry Wile for nought deployed!

By Awesome Strength destroy the Eye!
Deflect from thee the Burning Dart,
The Triple Doleful Tongues of Death,
Descending to the Bowels,
The Naval, and the Breast!

From Brighid's Heart,
From Cailleach's Heart,
From Danu's Heart!
So be it!


With closed eyes I look at you
Standing tall and regal,
Your hair blowing freely
In the swirling gusts of wind
The fire in your eyes
Could freeze the heart of an enemy
The firmness of your mouth
Spreads the tentacles of terror
Or the torrents of passion
Or both.

You stand with your arms
Around the sleek neck
Of your faithful, deadly battle Mare
Your weapons close at hand
Ready for battles
Of war or of love
Cold disciplined confidence
Surrounds you like a cloak
Of fine silk.

No one dares approach you
All stare with jealous admiration
Your identity screams
For all to hear
Bad assed Bitch
Warrior, Amazon
Goddess, Morrigan.

Hymn to the Morrigan

O Morrigan, we call your name Across the dusty years.
You speak to us, of blood and lust. You show us all our fears.
You are a goddess, old and wise. Of holy power you have no dearth.
Beneath your wings : Black, Red and White, We learn of death and birth.

You walk about, this ancient land, Your hungers raw and clear.
You make the crops, grow rich and strong, As well your geese and deer.
A flirting maid, a lusty hag, A mother of great girth :
Without the touch of your black wings, We cannot heal the earth.

You float upon, a blood red wave, Of swords and spears and knives.
Your voice inspires, fear and dread, That you'll cut short our lives.
You try the warriors', courage sore, Our inner souls unearth.
Without the touch of your red wings, We cannot know our worth.

You fly above the silver clouds, To Manannan's shining Gate.
You lead the dead along that path, To meet our final fate.
The joke's on us, we find within, A land of laughter and of mirth.
Without the touch of your white wings, We cannot have rebirth.


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