Title: What is Invocation? | |
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Date Posted:07/10/2015 05:58 AMCopy HTML What is Invocation?Invocation can be defined as the calling of a force orspiritual presence into one’s self. Invocation is true identification with aforce, to the point that the force (Or goal) is temporarily housed within yourbeing. Invocation is truly the goal of all magick because when it occurs spiritand matter attain unity. Within the western mystical traditions different opinionshave emerge regarding the art of invocation. This difference of opinion rangesfrom the disagreement towards the true nature of invocation , to the necessityfor such a phenomenon within the magical arts. Invocation usually pertains to calling a deity orgod-force within oneself, in order for true identification to take place.However, in typical spell casting, the term invocation is sometimes usedinterchangeably with the term incantation, which once again, is the purposefuluse of words within magick, which summons or states the magician’s goal.Invocation can be applied to each of the spells within your spellcrafting.First, invocation will define the proclamation of your true goal. Without agoal, there can of course be no magick. Second , invocation describes youralignment with particular forces within the universe, which will be in harmonywith your goal. Such forces range from elemental or cosmic forces, spiritualforces, such as angels and planetary energies, to various gods and goddesses,which should also be aligned to the particular goal of the magic. The overalluse of the term invocation within this book refers to the act of summoning,which returns us to the originally stated use of the term. However , thesummoning portion of the coming spells will not simply be affirmations, ormerely a statement of intent; the summoning portion of each spell will be seenas the directive, which will program the energies you have invoked, which willthen go before you into the universe to manifest your goal. Source: |