Title: Who is Afraid of the Big Bad Spell? | |
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Date Posted:01/09/2016 09:05 AMCopy HTML Who isAfraid of the Big Bad Spell? Once upon a time in the land of far, far away there was a young witch whowas interested in performing a spell for her family. The witch looked up loreand tales about several spells that would suit her purpose. She performed themat the witching hour under the old clock tower and in the dale under a mistyvale, but she could just not conquer the big bad spell. Now how many magickal practitioners do you know, or it could be yourself,have tried to perform a spell for anything, money, love, health, beauty, and itdid not turn out as you had planned. What could possibly be going array withyour work? I hope this informative essay will clear some of those questions upfor you. In essence, a spell is a prayer or a focusing of energy on a particularidea. You need to think this idea through from start to finish. Books andwebsites will inform you that you need to be careful what you wish for becauseit has to come from some place. While this sentiment is true, the universe hasan abundance of energy that can be formed into anything someone desires;however, there are consequences for conjuring these desires. Thus, you need tothink the spell through and be specific on what you ask for. Let us say you are performing a spell for money. If you only say you needmoney, then the universe will provide you with money it could be a penny, onehundred dollars, or you could be one of the lucky people to win the power balljackpot. All of these things are money, but if you needed a specific amount oryou wanted your income to grow at a certain rate then you need to ask for thatdetail. This brings us to the details in the planning of your spell craft. There are thousands upon thousands of spells out in the world that usecandles, runes, oils, incense, stones, dead languages, and more. Much like theantidotal witch above she toiled and studied these spells, but she did notthink for herself. Everyone who practices magick is different, so their magicksattune differently with certain items. Personally, I use a bit of everything inmy spells and rituals. I do primarily use candles and energy work as the twoprimary items/ideas in my spell craft. I am not saying you cannot get or use spells that you find on the Internetor in a book. I find these very inspirational, but not particularly personal. Idraw my ideas for a spell from these areas. Here is an example of my spellcrafting process: 1. Decide what type of spell to use for the desire. Step 1 is,basically, why do you want to perform this spell? Is it for you or someoneelse? If it is for someone else, what are you receiving in return for thespell? Your energy and time should not be free as there is a cost on you fordoing the spell. The person asking you to work your magick should make asacrifice as well, such as money, time, or trade. Step 2, whento perform this spell? The times of the year, phases of the moon and sun, dayof the week, and planetary hours are all a factor in the timing of a spell. Forexample, you want to perform a love spell or growing love. I would choose toperform it during the waxing moon to full moon on a Friday or Monday, duringthe hour of Venus. If you are growing love, you should perform it during thetime the moon is growing full (waxing) or during the full moon. The moon rules over the element of water, which is the gateway to emotions.Friday is the best choice of day for a love spell with Monday coming is a closesecond. Friday is named after the Norse Goddess of love Freya and Monday isnamed after the moon. Perform this work during the planetary hour of Venus, theGreek Goddess of Love, during either the day or night. I prefer the nightbecause I am more connected with the moon and nighttime energies. Keep in mindyou can do the spell whenever you want; this is just the best time to focusyour energy on that subject. I do not know a witch who will not perform anemergency spell when needed; it just will not be as strong as it could be giventhe correct timing. Step 3, whatitems will I need for a spell? Some spells require no items, just your energyand focus. Other spells can feel like you are in potions class with ProfessorSnape by adding a drop of dragon’s blood to tincture then allowing it to dry ona parchment for three days. In truth, objects are a way to get you to focusyour energy on your idea. These objects typically have a particular color,herb, oil, etc that fit the theme of the spell. All of these things help youwork your energy into the spell. If you are making a poppet or doll you are placing your focus on creatingthat object for a specific purpose. Just like when people say the secretingredient in baking is love. Imagine that little old granny whipping up abatch of cookies for her grandkids. She is probably visualizing how much sheloves her family and that they are going to love the special treat she iscooking for them. That energy goes into the spoon and down into the dough that willlater be chewy delectable desserts. The same principal goes with your spellwork. When you make the incense, oil, or inscribe a candle you need tovisualize what this object will help you accomplish with the spell. This brings us to the final step in my spell crafting process. Step 4,visualize what this spell is going to achieve. The spell is only as good as theenergy and focus or sacrifice that is put into it. This is why in step 2 youchoose the times that will give your energy a boost. Also your confidence levelis a huge part of the spell as well. If you believe your spell will work, itwill work. A large portion of this is the visualization. Let’s say you aredoing a spell for weight loss. You will need to see yourself getting thinner,exercising, eating healthy, and doing what you need to do to make yourselfobtain this goal. Imagine your life as the new you. All this will help focusyour attention on the spell. Also, do not get discouraged if the spell does notwork right away. Sometimes things need to settle and line up to make the spell happen. Doinganother spell right away will void out both spells and show that you do nottrust yourself. In my opinion, if you work a spell and nothing happens within 6months then you can try again. If nothing happens after that, the universe istrying to tell you something or you might not have done the work outside of themagickal realm to bring the idea to fruition. Just take another peek at the statement above. Sometimes no matter how muchwe desire something, the Gods and/or the Universe do not want us to have thisparticular fixation for whatever reason. There is nothing saying that you willnot obtain the object of your desire, just not at this time. On that otherhand, you may need to do some post or prep work for your spell to take root. Ifyou would like to obtain a particular job, you cannot just sit around and hopeit comes to you. You need to fill out applications, write resumes, take certaintests, and set up interviews. In other words, the Universe will not doeverything for you; you need to do your part as well. The one major thing that you need in spell craft is confidence. If you donot believe in your power as an individual or as a witch, you cannot even hopeto perform the simplest of spells. If you have never done spell work before,start out with small things such as raising energy, then work up to morecomplex spells. With self-confidence, the right energy, items, and knowledge,there is no reason you cannot be successful with spells. So who’s afraid of thebig, bad spell? Not you, not me. |