Title: Your Personality Element | |
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Date Posted:03/27/2015 08:22 AMCopy HTML YourPersonality ElementYourpersonality element may or may not be the same as your power element. Todiscern your personality element, ask yourself the following questions: Whatare your likes and dislikes? How do people describe you? What hobbies (or artforms) interest you most? What’s your temperament? Do any themes appear in youranswers? Next, look over the following descriptions of elemental personalitiesfor more insight: Earth Witches You likestability and creature comforts. Usually, you carefully plan out everything andtake your time making decisions. People consider you to be dependable, steady,and practical. Your favorite color may be black, brown, or forest green. Youenjoy plants and nature. Your hobbies might include gardening, ceramics,woodworking, or other handicrafts. Air Witches The world ofideas appeals most to you and you love learning new things. You engage in longconversations with friends and probably have a large circle of acquaintances.People often describe you as outgoing, independent, and maybe a bit ditsy. Yourfavorite color may be yellow, pale blue, or white. Reading and/or writing areamong your hobbies, and perhaps hang-gliding or flying kites. Fire Witches Passionateand energetic, you enjoy adventure and taking risks. You have no patience withwishy-washy sorts or couch potatoes. Always on the go, you have trouble sittingstill. People might describe you as hot-headed or impulsive. Your favoritecolors are red and orange. You probably enjoy sports and your hobbies mightinclude dancing, horseback riding, or traveling. Water Witches Your gentletemperament leads you to go with the proverbial flow. Easily influenced byothers, your emotions are sensitive and deep. You possess keen intuition andperhaps artistic or musical talent. A natural caretaker, you nurture others andmay be a healer. People describe you as shy, reclusive, or moody, and you needquiet time alone. Your favorite color is purple or blue, and your hobbies mightinclude painting, music, fishing, or swimming. |